Who's Life Actually Matters
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Who's Life Actually Matters

Take away all stereotypes, labels and bias, and ask, "What is really going on?"

Who's Life Actually Matters

In the aftermath of the recent shooting of Dallas police officers, a video surfaced showing BLM protesters crossing paths with counter protesters. The result was the change we need to see in America! They did not argue, share opinions nor point fingers, they shook hands, hugged and prayed! The Black Lives Matters movement has recently been known for their more violent protests and members. Some people even compare the whole movement to the KKK. The news and Facebook is plastered with pictures and videos of violent people in the streets raging and screaming, "Kill the police," and associating it with the BLM movement. When we are informed by the media, we have to ask, “What is really going on?” Take away all of the labels, stereotypes and bias, what actually happened here?

Here is the video of the united protestors!

The things taking place in America are fueled by either love or hate, not a group, race, religion or occupation. Unlike these categories, humans are capable of hate. There are bad people in the world who do bad things and there always will be. This doesn't mean the group they are associated with is bad, too. Those who love, love all. The good people in this world love with no barrier and want peace. Many want to throw out the whole pie when only a speck is rotten. These ideas are coming blatantly from the media.

America has no time for a personal Agenda! We should not promote any group or "Positive Gang" (As if we are that easily manipulated, Hillary!) which empowers or degrades one specific group (race / religion / career). If we want equality, then we have to stop dehumanizing each other, "Too often we judge other groups by their worst examples while judging ourselves by our best intentions." Former President George W. Bush had it right!

We must take our minds back, for the media is here to manipulate everything! U.S. statistics show that "over half of the people kill by U.S. cops are white...only 25 percent are black." Also, using Victimization Rate Data, 91 percent of black people are killed by other black people, 83.5 percent of whites are killed by whites, 13.8 percent of white people are killed by blacks and 7 percent of blacks are killed by whites. Yet, we are forced under the impression that this is a race issue. We are all of the human race. These issues are due to the well-being of our people and the state we are left in.

Our country is mostly run by those who can't even relate to the people in it. We are seeing what this does to our country. No positive change is coming from the many messages circling us, so try a new approach! Another quick fact, the "homicide rate is at a 51 year low right now, and gun ownership, it just so happens, has risen 141 percent since then." Why is gun control one of the main political concerns in the United States? Our right to protect ourselves is being threatened. America is scared. We are working for the government, when it is supposed to work for us! I know we have all seen that meme:

I Agree the Black Community is broken, but America is broken. When you're paralyzed, you don't ask the doctor to fix your leg. We don't fix either by screaming it in the streets and breaking other people's bones. It starts with taking care of ourselves and loving thy neighbor. Politics in the media distracts us from that.

Politics is nothing more than the battle of wits. The history of Plato’s "Gorgias," with Socrates, is what comes to mind almost any time I become involved in politics. It is not simply the competition between Polus and Socrates that comes to mind, but the popular profession. In Ancient Greece, there weren’t many ways to become rich. You were either born into a wealthy family or your whole life was dedicated to becoming a master Orator. To be successful, you had to learn from the best and not everyone was privileged enough for this opportunity. They were trained in the language of persuasion. Basically,� this involved telling people exactly what they want to hear, learning to read a crowd or opponent and responding�� accordingly. It has absolutely nothing to do with the speaker's actual values, feelings or goals. Every decision made is done so in the best interest of their personal gain.

Plato’s "Gorgias" includes a serious debate over whether it is worse to suffer unjustly or commit injustice. Meaning,� would you rather commit the crime with no time or do the time for a crime you never committed. Polus the Orator argues surely, one would rather get away with their wrong doings, like many politicians we have today. Socrates proves the opposite to his opponent by pointing out the shame one would hold by doing unjust and others suffering for it. Shame is the opposite of admirable, yet, we continue to admire those who should be filled with shame. The dirty practices of our politicians is not new to the world, just disguised over time. Humans have evolved in this, apparently since these master Orators are the people running our countries. They are literally able to lie, steal, cheat and manipulate the whole country. Somehow their fame persists.

The facts can be thrown in our faces, many of us understand what is going on and yet we still cannot control the oblivious voters. These are the people who are promised what they want and receive, all they owe is a vote. If our vote does matter, then those who refuse to commit the unjust of voting for such atrocious characters suffer the greatest, the hard working Americans, stripped of their rights, their income and the truth. All we can do is wake up, keep our eyes, ears and mind open and share the truth.

My life matters, your life matters and what happens to this country should matter to all of us!

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