Do you ever find yourself imaging a “what if” scenario? Something that might happen in the future, but you don’t actually know if it will? A lot of the time I think we try to come up with the answers to everything, and sometimes there really aren’t any. Waiting around for life to just happen is pretty scary, but we can’t control everything that happens to us.
Living in the moment is much easier said than done. And let’s face it, sometimes that moment sucks. It is normal to look ahead and dream big about what’s coming. What isn’t normal is catastrophizing every little detail and telling yourself that everything is going to be ripped away from you.
If you’re not a “go with the flow” type of person, you like plans. You like to prepare because not knowing scares you, and you fear anything and everything going wrong. Just know that sometimes you have to just wait and see. You can’t decide what is up ahead. You can’t plan every last detail. You can’t change other people’s minds. What you can do is take control of the life you’re living, and make that moment you’re living in right now something that is special.
At the end of the day, there should be something that happened that you can look back on and smile. It doesn't have to be big, but if you can do that then you've won.