"Purple hair would look terrible on you."
"You can't sing, why would you want to get on stage and embarrass yourself?"
"You don't strike me as the settling down type."
People are mean, and they like to think they know what is best for everyone else. They think they can control other's lives by being hateful. They think they know you better than you know yourself, and they think that the choices you make, that only affect you, are their business to meddle in. Well, I'm here to tell you what to do with people like them. Be spiteful. Go against everything they say and live for yourself, because they don't know what makes you happy.
You know what you like, and you know where you want to go, so listen to your heart, even if people are telling you otherwise. They don't get to make the decisions, so they shouldn't have any say in what you do.
If someone tells you that you shouldn't pierce your nose, go ahead and get it done. After, if you decide it doesn't suit you, it can always come out. The same goes for obscure hair colors. Go ahead and have green, blue, pink or yellow hair. You can always dye it back, but you can't let other's opinions get in your way of having fun or expressing yourself.
Someone tells you to be smart and plan your life? Be spontaneous and change your plans with them last minute.
Hank tells you that cheesecake is bad for you? Eat a whole cheesecake by yourself; you know you want to.
Are you a senior and someone tells you it's too late to change your major? Go ahead and change it, you know what you want to be doing in five years. Who cares if you need to stay an extra year anyway?
Drink your "girly" coffee drinks, take photographs even if you only have an iPhone, sing on stage even if people say you can't carry a tune, and live a life that you are happy with, even if it goes against everything everyone has told you to do. Live your life in spite of what people say, and I bet you'll smile a little bit more.