Whether dancing with the stars or knitting the perfect sweater, many people searched and experimented with a hobby or a passion that would take them somewhere. For me, it was being an oceanographer. Though being an oceanographer means tons of late night studying and hard courses, there is something about a challenge and the discovery of a hidden passion that lifts your soul. Here is a definition of an oceanographer: It is the study of the physical and the biological aspects of the ocean. The average yearly salary for an oceanographer with a bachelor's degree (in 2009) was $33,254. Postdoctoral researcher’s average salary ranged from $37,400 to $49,452. Academic salaries for assistant professors ranged from $53,200 to $80,300 while tenured professors can make between $100,000 to $150,000.
The difference between a marine biologist and an oceanographer is that they study ocean life and the physical elements of the oceans. Since ocean warming and the surge in the shark population are becoming more widespread, it is wonderful to know the outcomes. It is a great idea to push forward the studies of the oceans. It is romantic to think like a sailor and be free on the restless waves.
During trips to SeaWorld for instance, it was like being in another world - being close to the oceans and studying the marine life. It was great to see animals that close. Nowadays, it is sad how SeaWorld is failing. With protests happening nationwide, it wasn’t planned but observed. If you were to ask many school children these days they will probably say that they want to grow up to be a Marine Biologist.
Though oceanography is not really mentioned since it is an unfamiliar field, it takes time. The amount of time spent at an institute of higher education to become an oceanographer is that you need a graduate level education, either a Master of Science (M.Sc.) or a doctoral degree (Ph.D.) in oceanography, marine biology, biochemistry, hydrogeology or a closely related field. Overall, it is a wonderful field and may help those that want to be just a little adventurous. It takes time to study for your passion in life, but time and support will always be your best friend. For me, it will remain a passion. Not a dream.