When going to college, there are a lot of important things you have to do to make sure you're ready. One of those things is finding a roommate. Whether you are staying in a dorm, moving into an apartment, or living in a house, you are most likely going to have roommates sharing your space. So why not live with someone you already know and love?
You may have been warned to never live with someone you know or are close with. It is true that it doesn't always work out. You never truly know someone until you live with them. However, I am going into my third year living with my best friend, Maddy, and it has worked out wonderfully in our case. Living with my best friend has only made us grow closer.
Here are some reasons why living with your best friend can be the best thing you ever do.
1. You always have someone to hang out with.
Whether you are going out, doing homework, or just watching Netflix, you always have someone to do it with. And it's even more convenient when they live right down the hall from you. You don't even have to leave your place to hang out with your bestie.
2. Their closet is your closet.
And vice versa. When you get tired of your own clothes, you can always go searching through their closet to find something cute to wear. It's all the fun of shopping without spending money. It's a win for you both.
3. You have someone to tell everything to.
And I mean everything. Whether you want to talk about how your day was, what you ate for breakfast that morning, or who you just saw on campus, they are there to hear all about it. And you want to know the same about them. What else are best friends for?
4. You can communicate without saying a word.
When you live with someone, you start to develop your own language without even knowing it. If you want to tell them something you don't want anyone else to hear, sometimes a look will say it all. You can basically read other's mind.
5. They are like your family away from home.
When you are feeling down or just missing home, it really helps to have your best friend around to cheer you up. Even when they're not even trying, it can make you feel so much better to be around someone as close to you as your family. Living with my best friend was one of the best decisions I made in college.
If you are considering living with your best friend, I would say go for it. It will definitely be an experience you will never forget. It may turn out to be the best thing you ever do as well.