Live video by nature is something that might feel very scary, particularly if you are a perfectionist and like to get things "right' before the public sees them.
Let me know go bursting the perfectionism bubble, which really is just showing how insecure you are and how you are terrified of judgement and rejection. Those are separate issues to my story, yet nonetheless, if you do like getting things right, I recommend thinking twice about the true reasons behind it...
With live video when you hit that go live button, anything can happen. It happens to everyone, the Queen of Visibility included!
👉 You may forget what your point was (Been there ✔️)
👉 You may suddenly realise English is your second language even if it is not! And come up with brand new words or grammar variations (Done that ✔️)
👉 Your husband's favourite team just scored, and the house suddenly gets filled with screaming and sobbing, resembling an echo of a murder scene if you happen to be the viewer... (Yes that did happen, although nothing but my pride was murdered at the time ✔️ )
👉 Your dog's feeding time means he storms into the room as you are livestreaming, walks around loudly banging his nails of the wooden floor and then sits on your foot loudly snuffling and completely distracting you from "being yourself" on camera (almost every time during a 4pm livestream ✔️)
👉 Or you decide to spontaneously do a live video (or two) after an amazing interview you just gave, and you deliver what could have been your best livestream ever, only to realise the software switched off your microphone about a second into your video... EPIC FAIL! (Just happened to me yesterday - but I did not even realise it up until I posted the video up on YouTube, added it to my sign up page and then completely accidentally saw a comment saying "No sound" - (I deleted the live stream, but forgot to remove the same silent video from the website until this morning. ✔️)
Well, at least I looked good!
Thing happen. Life happens. We cannot always be perfect.
In fact, it is our imperfections that make us so adorable to our audience. People LOVE when things go wrong, and all you can do is have a laugh at it and move on.
My signature 11-day Live Video Challenge is not just any pointless challenge out there (this is why we charge $5 commitment fee), it is a program designed to help you overcome the perfection and get on with it, delivering what you have to say NO MATTER WHAT!
Check my author' profile for the link to sign up.