Most people who know me know that I am a very happy person. I often get asked how I'm able to always be in a good mood. I'm lost on how others are able to let certain events in their life ruin their entire day. I have created a list of what I do to live a happy life.
1. Smile more.
Even if you don't want to, fake it 'til you make it because it will start to actually put you in a good mood.
2. Focus on the good.
If you have stress and bad things that keep happening, do not focus on those. Focus on the positive things because there is always a bright side.
3. Stop explaining why.
If you do something and someone disagrees and asks why you did it, don't feel the need to explain why you did something. Chances are the person will still disagree with your actions.
4. Appreciate the little things in life.
Whether it is getting shotgun on the way to the grocery store or that your favorite song is on the radio!
5. Eat your favorite foods.
If you're in a bad mood, eat foods that you like!
6. Accept that things will go wrong.
Accept that you are not perfect and things that you do will not always go your way. Learn from it.
7. Don't focus on things that won't matter a year from now.
If you're mad about something that happened and it is so small that it will not matter in a year, stop being mad!
8. Accept that you have flaws.
Accept you are human and that humans have flaws. You are not perfect.
9. Have a happy song playlist.
Have a list of songs that just make you smile.
10. Tell people you appreciate them.
Let the people in your life know how much they mean to you because it'll make you happier reflecting on it, and it will make them happier too!
11. Do spur of the moment things.
You don't always need a plan. Adventures that happen last minute are some of the most fun ones.
12. Let others know when they inspire you.
If someone makes you feel like you are unstoppable, let them know that because they will keep inspiring you.
13. Don't let others' good deeds go without thanking them.
You don't like it when others don't thank you when you go out of your way. Don't let anyone else feel that way.
14. Create goals.
Always have goals. Short-term or long-term. Always work towards something.
15. Be able to say, "No thank you."
You don't have to do everything people ask you to do.
16. If you feel that you are at a dead end, backtrack and go right.
There are always new opportunities. Don't forget that.
17. Put yourself first.
Always do what's best for you because everyone else does the same.
18. Journal about what you love.
Write down how you are feeling a couple of times per week. When you are sad, you can look back and it'll make you feel better!
19. Find your passion.
Find that one thing that you can never stop thinking or talking about and follow it.
20. Stop focusing on material things.
Focus on non-materialistic things because those will give you memories and true happiness.
21. Make a bucket list that you can complete.
Make a list of things you want to do in your life. You can always add on to it. Start small and keep going!
22. Overuse "I love you."
Lee Brice is right. Let the ones you love know that you love them!
23. Wake up knowing it will be a good day.
Wake up with high expectations for your day and live up to that standard.
24. Stop relying on others for your happiness.
Rely on others when you are at a loss. Rely on yourself to make yourself happy because you are the only one who can truly make yourself happy. Everyone else just adds to your happiness.
25. Laugh more.
Laugh at everything even if it is stupid.
26. Learn to let go.
Let go of toxic people, bad memories and anything else that brings you down.
27. Know your self-worth.
Know that you are amazing even if you don't feel amazing. If you believe in yourself, you will have more positive feedback from others.
28. Live a simpler life.
Live a life that is not wrapped up in technology, brand names or drama. Live a life that if you are surrounded by good people, then you have everything you need.
29. Stop gossiping.
Stop listening to rumors or what others did. It shows their character on what they did, but it shows more on your character that you are talking about someone's mistakes.
30. Be proud of your accomplishments.
Be proud of what you do in life even if your success is not acknowledged.
31. Accept compliments given to you.
When someone compliments you, don't make excuses for why you do things the way you do. You do things a certain way because you are you!
32. Appreciate your nights in and your nights out with your friends.
Especially in college, appreciate your nights with your friends no matter what. Right now, as adults, we only have to worry about school and work for the most part. When we graduate, we have a lot more to worry about, so appreciate the times you have now.
33. Admit to your mistakes.
When you mess up, admit it. Deep down you know you need to.
34. Live a healthy life.
Eat healthy and work out. It releases endorphins that make you happy.
35. Practice empathy.
Stop practicing sympathy because it is not helping the person!
36. Stop selling yourself short.
Give yourself the credit you know you deserve.
37. Don't be afraid to succeed.
Take chances you may be afraid to fail. Know that you can also succeed. Don't be afraid of that either.
38. Have a sense of humor.
When everything seems to go wrong, meet up with some friends and make jokes about the things that are going wrong. You will feel better after.
39. Cut out toxic people.
Be selective on who you let into your life. If someone brings you down every time you see them, then remove them from your life!
40. Don't dwell on the past; focus on the future.
The past is the past and you cannot change it. The bad things that happen are lessons for the future.
41. Help others.
When others need help, reach out and help them. Taking 15 minutes out of your day to let someone vent to you can honestly help someone.
42. Focus on always improving yourself.
Don't ever think that you don't have an area to improve on because no one is perfect and you can always improve.
43. Celebrate.
Celebrate waking up on time, your dream job or getting a good grade on your test. Anything good that happens deserves to be recognized.
44. Speak up for what you believe in.
If you believe in something, share it. You could change someone's outlook on something.
45. Take time to take in what's around you.
Take time to listen to the birds in the morning or the sunset outside your window. Realize that nature is beautiful and makes an impact on your life.
46. Make unforgettable memories.
A good story never starts with you being by yourself. Always, always, always do the unexpected with your friends.
47. Be 10 minutes early. ALWAYS.
Be early. I know it is hard, but you are less stressed out when you are early than when you are late.
48. Be someone people want to bring around.
Be positive. Be someone that people have an urge to be around because you bring a positive impact to their lives.
49. Realize there is not one key thing that will make you happy.
A lot goes into being happy. Just because you have the cutest outfit or the coolest friends doesn't mean you're happy. That adds to your happiness but it is not everything. Strive to have happiness in every aspect do not just focus on one.
50. Love yourself.
Love what you are good at. Love your flaws. Love that your heart is beating and this is the best time to be alive. No one can ever love you as much as you love yourself, so strive to put yourself first and love everything you do.