I realized that we lived in a premium world in the most interesting way possible. I was writing an essay for my English class. I logged in to Grammarly.com (which is pretty awesome, by the way), and then realized that I couldn't get all of the features that I got in high school because they now cost $9.99 a month. At one time I watched all the Hulu episodes for free. Pandora was always going to have commercials. Netflix was $8 a month. Everything had a flat rate, whether it was free with ads, or a small payment a month.
Now it seems like everything has an upgrade. There's something better out there for us. Get the newest thing, with the most upgrades and cool gadgets. These things are supposed to "upgrade our lives," but what about the way we live our lives? Shouldn't we be living premium lives?
We should upgrade ourselves. People talk all the time about what this generation has become. We live in the now, make reckless decisions and no longer invest in each other.
We live default lives.
We do the basics necessary to survive, but only for the day or night. There are constantly those "ads" of life popping up. The things that keep us from living our lives.
To live a premium life, we have to pay for our lives. We have to invest in people around us, a career, a home... things that sustain us more than for the night.
Spend continuous time with someone. If you go out to the club the night before, get coffee and breakfast with them in the morning. Get to know the person in the light, not just in the dark. Don't feel like you're bothering someone if you want/need someone to give advice on an outfit or go shopping with you.
Guys, knock on a girl's door, meet her parents, invest in her. Girls, don't just expect a guy to halfheartedly be in your life, and do your best to invest in him as well. Find something that you love, whether it be travel, people, kids, school, sports, anything. Just something that will stick with you for the rest of your life. Do things that make your life better.
Life is not a trial run — we only get one chance. Why not be premium?