In life, people always say, "live in the moment" and refuse to take no for an answer. But, what if you're too afraid to even ask the question? What if you're too afraid to want what you want?
It's the kind of feeling when you're too afraid to ask a question. Almost because you fear the answer, but there's a bit of a fear that you'll get what you want and turn out that it isn't exactly what you want.
I've talked a lot about rejection in the past, and while that is a fear, I think I also fear growing up and everything that comes with it.
You're supposed to settle down with someone, have a steady job, be far from your family, etc. It almost makes me feel like a bad person, being so afraid of change. But, I think the worst part is wanting that change, but being too scared to go for it.
I'm not sure why I feel this way sometimes, but I do. I make myself get out there and do things that make me uncomfortable just in hopes to find courage to do it.
I've applied for jobs, put myself out there, and have really tried to move forward wth things. I have felt better for it, but that's where the rejection comes in. I'm scared that I won't get a job, be able to settle down because no one will like me, and moving away from my family.
I'm comfortable.
But I've got to push through it, and if your'e feeling this way too, you should agree with.
You have to push yourself to do things you don't want to do. It's good to get yourself out of your comfort zone. However, don't stress yourself out when it comes to moving on. You can do it gradually.
Don't be scared to go for it. The best things can happen by doing things for yourself. In the words of Tom Haverford, "Treat Yourself." And, you should treat yourself well. Do you best and find your way safely and at your own pace.