And everything was perfect: the way we laughed, the way we touched.
Beneath a veil of stars and the moon that cries of lust.
We exist, we exist.
It's a beautiful thing, destruction
Frantic madness of passion
Slurred rambles, hammered, to illustrate our minds
the harsh reality remains..
we the people, afraid
hallow bones devoured by the monster who thrives in your boiling blood
child, sweet child
where hath your innocence gone
wild eyes mistake you
by empty souls forsaken
Be still Be here In the Now
Lie shivering
let fade upon the horizon and inhale what your own two eyes can touch
tomorrow can't escape you but day is on the run
catch it as your breath may steadily be held. Behold what's thrust upon you,
precisely in this second
warm palms
lie shivering
release that nervous laughter and Be still.
You held a match to the empty skies
and with all the pain and with all the lies
I put it to flame.
Entangled I the huff of your delicate existence. My skeleton is hollowed as I try to mold a bed for you:
A canvas where your tears may stain and your rage may tear apart the sheets
Where my chest may be your pillow so that I the one to hold you
as you sleep
and protect you from your dreams
for sun rises reality and fear sinks in like teeth
pearly white agony
I winced and you walked.
Swoon bella swoon
sway by the riverside
exhale all your worries and release your swollen mind
indulge in the delicate light of the creature who fly
by your window, willows whisper
and all your dreams are heard
they travel as little seed on a mission quite absurd
A song:
Open letters, empty sweaters
your chest used to fill
my head meant to lay and heart beat's lullaby would play
3 am cricket choir
my toes curled beneath your chiseled calf an yet
closer, was craved by our souls
Cuz I fell, said I wouldn't, but I fell
Is it healthy is it sound
To love someone so much that it hurts that you bleed that my spine is fracturing
We exist, you and me, in kaleidoscopic dreams.
Swooned by the moon, making love until noon
sheets never stay made but Id never complain
every line every crevice every curve
your fingers would trace now only scars in their place remain
I heard you liked the color black so I stripped myself of hue
and I adored you, yes I adored you
Cuz I fell, said I wouldn't, but I fell
Is it healthy is it sound
to love someone so much that it hurts, that you bleed, that my spine is fracturing
we exist, you and me, in kaleidoscopic dreams
That cigarette you hold, to take away the pain
you never felt worthwhile so I let your poison seep my veins
in the hopes of an exchange, that you'd feel warmth and you'd know love
though I'd never be safe again, I'd never be safe again
Cuz I fell, said I wouldn't, but I fell
Is it healthy is it sound
to love someone so much that it hurts, that you bleed, that my spine is fracturing
we exist, you and me, in kaleidoscopic dreams
Oh I'll watch the stars as you'll watch me dance
a soft smile of existential longing
the sting of awareness at our insurmountable distance
Yes I knew it'd come to haunt me
when home became a person, not a place, constructed space
no destination but you
you and me, we exist, here, in kaleidoscopic dreams