This week, I was scrolling through Twitter and one of my fellow bloggers had a post up about her mother that she had recently lost. The overall theme in her post was that time is short and memories with your loved ones are the most important things.
This post is going to be about how we need to let go of our material things and focus on the things in life that truly matter. This is a short life and everyone is guaranteed death. With our time here on earth we need to allow the distraction of material things to diminish.
If I could sell all my belongings just to have more time with those I have lost, I would. We need to focus on making memories with the people we care about instead of worrying about getting the deal, or buying the next best thing. If we took time to build relationships with people and learned to slow down and enjoy our time together, we wouldn't have a life full of regrets.
I personally like to live life without regrets, but I do regret being distracted by material things when I could be spending time with my family and friends.
Tonight I had the realization that I'm half way through college. The thought of graduating freaks me out, but the scariest thing I think about life after college is, not being around my friends that I have made. We are all going to go our separate ways. So right now while I am in school I want to spend as much time with people as possible.
I personally enjoy sleep, but if someone wants to talk, or go to Whataburger at midnight, I will say yes to them because I know that my time here with these people is a fleeting moment.
God could take me tomorrow and if He does I want to know that I have great memories and have built amazing relationships with those I love.
My challenge to you is, don't get so consumed or distracted by the things of this world and go out and explore the world around you with those who matter most.