"No Tomorrow"is a romantic comedy- drama. The series follows a woman named Evie, which is a risk-averse quality-control assessor who falls for free-spirited, thrill seeker Xavier. Xavier claims that there is an asteroid heading straight towards earth. He believes that humankind only has eight months and twelve days until the asteroid hits and blasts humankind out of existence. With the help of her friends, they try to find out if he can be taken seriously or not. While doing so they complete a bucket list.
Evie and Xavier each carry around a little book that they write in. Each item on the list is numbered to keep track of how many different adventures, fears they overcome, and little things that they always wanted to do.
Then I got to thinking if I found out I had eight months and twelve days left, would I be happy with everything I have done so far? The answer would be 'NO'. I haven't seen or done half the things that I have wanted to. Life is about living it to the fullest- life is not about how much money you have or what kind of car you drive. Life is about learning to live. Here are just some ideas of adventures and fears that I'm talking about:
1. Surf in Bali
2. Take a ride in a hot-air balloon
3. Swim with sharks with no cage
4. Climb the highest peak in the world
5. See the Northern Lights
6. Crash a huge Party
7. Run in a marathon
8. Stay in an Ice Hotel
9. Go skydiving
10. Go Zorbing
11. Attend the Olympics
Let's start living life. Don't be scared to go outside your comfort zone and try remarkable things. Live life to the fullest.