If you're anything like me, a day doesn't pass where you don't consume coffee, because without it, would you actually be able to survive?
1. The first thing you think of in the morning is the cup of coffee you will soon drink.
2. It has reached the point where drinking one cup doesn't quite do the trick to wake you up anymore.
3. When you risk being late to class because you need to stop and get your coffee first.
4. When it's 10:20 p.m. and all you can think is, "hmm I'd really enjoy a cup of coffee right now."
5. That embarrassing moment when you go back to get more coffee, the same baristas are still working and they acknowledge the fact you were just there.
Probably because it has only been an hour since the last time you were there.
6. When you're three cups deep and there's no bathroom around.
7. Without coffee in your system, you know that being an actual human for the day is a no-go.
8. You hand feels empty without a full cup of coffee in it.
9. That moment when you reach in your bag and you don't have any gum left.
Coffee breath.
10. You look at your expenses for the month and see that you spend more on coffee than clothing or food.
11. You think about how sad your life must have been before coffee came into the picture.
12. You have once attempted to cut back on your coffee, but couldn't even make it a day.
13. Anytime someone tries to tell you that you drink too much coffee, you go into defense mode. ![]()
14. You have a problem...but you wear it loud and proud.
So drink up my fellow addicts and never forget who's always there for you...coffee.