I am guilty.
I am guilty of blaming others in the past for my unhappiness. I have let choices I have made in the past influence how I feel and I sometimes worry to the point that I get super sad. I constantly am thinking about what others think of me and what they have to say.
I have let others' words affect me and far too often I think that their perception of me is far more important than my perception of myself. As I grow older though I tell myself that I only have one life to live. Do I really want to live listening to what others have to say about me? Do I really care that much about what they have to say? The answer is no.
I need to live my life for me and I need to stop thinking that what others have to say about me is more important than what I have to say about myself. This is my life and if I spend a lot of time worrying about what others are saying, then am I living my life or am I living another version of their's?
I love the quote, "What other people say about you is none of your business." I love it so much because it's true. No matter who you are, there is always going to be at least one person who doesn't like you. For every person who doesn't like you though, there is another person who does.
If you're like me, you want to be a people pleaser. You hate when people are mad at you or have negative things to say about you. You get to a point in life though where you ask yourself, do I really care? Is their opinion really that important to me or am I just working myself up over nothing? Majority of the time the reality is that you're just working yourself up.
My mother has always told me that I shouldn't let others dictate how I feel. She has instilled in me that my happiness comes from within. It starts with me. After going through some rough years prior to college, I now see how important it is to see something good in every day.
I love feeling the sun shine on me as I'm walking to class with my earbuds in, listening to an upbeat positive song. I love looking at the colors of spring and hearing birds finally chirp again in the morning. I love the thought of wearing shorts again and I love the thought of having warmth surround me as I walk to my classes rather than the bitter cold. Life is beautiful.
When I sit back and look at things, yes there are some things in life that suck. But there are more things in life that are wonderful. It's so important to find the beauty in everyday life because once you do, happiness will shine out of you like sunbeams. Once you start to feel good about things and yourself, then you'll start to radiate happiness to those around you. Even in your darkest days, remember that. There is always a chance to be happy. Even if you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel some days, just know that it's there. You will see it and it will be an amazing feeling. Just remember that you have a life that you can do whatever you want with it. It's all yours.
Life is too damn short to live any other way than the way you want to. If you don't like the way your life is going, then change it. You don't like the way your body looks, then get up and exercise. Cut out sugars and eat healthy. Be the change you wish to not only see in the world, but in your own life.
Lastly, never seek validation from anyone. The only people's permission and validation you should ever be concerned with is your parents' until you become an adult and start making more decisions by yourself. Your friends and peers should not have that type of power on you.
So stop listening to others. I literally can't stress that enough. If you're always looking for others to give a big thumbs up to everything you do or you're looking to see if it's okay with them first, then you're selling yourself short. Start living for you and only you. Believe what you want to believe in, stand up for what you believe in, and never back down just because someone doesn't agree.
You are always enough and it's time to realize that others only tear you down to make themselves feel better. Remember that you're better than that. Always.
"Spread positivity. You will never make yourself better by tearing others down."