Everything on the news is almost always focused on a negative element. Whether this car crash occurred, this police chase is occurring, or this person's body has been discover or on top of it all, this natural disaster occurred or this act of terrorism is just in. There is very little personal anecdote stories that help to make someone's day brighter. It continues to bring our day down, filling it with negative information that is not necessarily all "need to know". We know that there is always prisoner escapees or some other threat, but we do not need to know about every single detail or about it if it occurs somewhere else. It influences our way of thought. We continue to focus on the negative. There is such a difference between being informed and being obsessed. Americans are leaning more and more toward the obsessive viewpoint. We must know everything, at all points in our life. These thoughts and obsessions take away from our daily life. We do not live like there is no tomorrow, we live like today is going to go on forever, we will always have this moment and that could not be farther from the truth. Every day is a day GIVEN to us. We do not DESERVE it. It is not GUARANTEED. So if this is the case, then why do we live out of a box? Why do we not go on spontaneous adventures? Why are we so affected by what happens on the news, that we do not live our life. But not only live it, but live in the present, in the moment. Live for life's moments. The moments that we will forever treasure and be overjoyed for.
I am most definitely not saying that we do not need to be informed in the news. What I am saying is that we should know the information and be aware, but that we should continue to live. There is not always something that we can personally do to affect the most current news story, but there is something that we can do in our daily life. So if we cannot be a direct affect, then we should take the information. Be a knowledgable human being and choose to live. We need not be caught in the bubble of the news, but caught in the fullness of life.
We need to LIVE LIFE like there is not a tomorrow, not like we have an eternity and that it is okay to put off life. We never know the day that is going to be our last, so let life LIVE. Do not let the news spotlight of the election or a terrorist activities take away your zeal for life. Let those actions realize how special each day is. Let our zest for life live abundantly in us that it may spread to all of those who surround us and beyond. That we become a people of the day; cherishing each moment.