I enjoy having roommates for several reasons, one of which being the unique perspectives they bring to your home based on their interests and goals. Life is particularly interesting when you are living with an elementary education major.
While it is not always easy for those going through the program, their roommates often get to experience some fun moments (that kind of throw you back to when life was so much better as a 2nd grader. A.k.a. When you actually didn't want nap time.)
1. Your living room is basically a little craft store.
I don't know how she pumps out crafts, activities, laminated materials, colorful charts - and all the other elementary things that I've already forgotten in 12 years - so often, but sometimes those school supplies magically turn into the cutest little gifts and decorations. This whole "cricut" thing is just witchcraft, I tell you.
2. You know a lot of acronyms and are about 90% sure what they mean.
Oh yeah, CTs, TCs, EdTPA, AMSTI, I've heard of them. Explain what they mean? Sorry, I’m not the one that's good at teaching.
3. Cringe-inducing "music" occasionally emits from her laptop.
I don't know who thought a rap about article adjectives would go over well, but apparently someone did. I guess maybe kids like it too, but as my music tastes have matured *flips hair as if hipster music snob*, songs about grammar and multiplication just induce an instant cringe reaction. When these moments occur, I typically just give a questioning glance to said roommate, until she glances up and realizes that the sounds being released from her computer are not normal outside the education realm.
4. They're literally always lesson planning…
It's like they have to have a new lesson every day or something… (oh wait).
5. … or working on EdTPA.
This is another one of those acronyms that I don't fully understand, but I know that it is pretty in-depth and just a little bit (a lot) of work for education majors as they continue towards the finish line.
6. You have been asked to be a "kindergartner."
I feel this is a request she grew to regret, as I take my responsibilities of acting as a kindergartner quite seriously.
7. They have developed "the look."
I don't think any teacher can officially hold a classroom without having "the look" in their toolbox of skills. You know, "the look?" Little Johnnie in the back row is being a hooligan and the teacher gives him "the look?" Yes, that one.
8. Dr. Seuss week is a big deal.
Have you seen the light in a teacher/elementary education major's eyes as he or she reads a Seuss book to the class (or your neighbors)?
9. There are many bags and/or crates.
It takes a village to raise a child, and a village worth of supplies to teach one. Between all the homework, handouts, posters, scissors, markers, lunchbox, books (you get the idea), it is a wonder teachers can carry everything without help each day.
10. They come home with the best stories.
Kids will typically say what's on their mind, and whether it's something super hilarious or super sweet, there is usually at least some kind of story to tell.
11. They actually go to bed at a reasonable hour (usually).
You're going to bed before midnight?? Oh yeah, you have to wake up around 6 each morning… (but how though?)
12. Your roommate is super caring, fun, and probably doesn't give herself enough credit.
I guess to be a teacher you kind of have to have a love for and understanding of people (especially kids), and anyone who knows how to be a kid at heart is someone worth keeping around. Even though the education program can be overwhelming and a lot at times, there's something to be said about someone who is responsible for the preparation of classroom instruction every day, has to stay with them each day for 8 hours, then comes home and works on tasks not only for the next day's class, but for her own coursework as well.
Let's be honest, you can't fake it this far. She may need encouragement, but she's doing fabulous, she's almost there, and you can already tell that she is and will be an incredible teacher and role model for these kids, especially when she gets that classroom of her own.