Live Each Day As If It Was Your Last | The Odyssey Online
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Live Each Day As If It Was Your Last

You only have one life to live.

Live Each Day As If It Was Your Last

Every morning when I hear the tone of my alarm, I immediately groan, roll over, and yank the covers up over my head. After some more moaning and groaning, my feet hit the floor and it's time to start my busy day of work and exams. As soon as I am out the door I find myself mumbling "I can't wait for tomorrow to come."

We all in some way or another, yearn for tomorrow or what the future has to bring, yet some of us never get the chance at a tomorrow or a future.

The truth is that no one is guaranteed to wake up the next morning and I know that first hand, it was around this time last year that I lost my young cousin to car accident, and a couple of months ago that I love my best friend to one as well. They were both so young, with very bright futures ahead of them, they both made plans to wake up the next day or more importantly they made plans for the future.

When I lost them I grieved differently, I didn't simply grieve their loss, I grieved more for their futures and the part of their futures that included me. I often find myself lost in thought when imagine what today would be like if they were still with us. The one thing that keeps me moving on with my life is the message that comes from losses like these: live each day as if it was your last.

When I say live each day as if it was your last, I don't necessarily mean to drop out of school to travel the world, skydive, and to go bungee jumping off The Golden Gate Bridge, I mean live life to the fullest.

Don't moan and groan when you hear your alarm go off, take a deep breath and smile simply because you are alive. Work hard in order to accomplish your dreams of the future. Cut ties with the negative things in your life that slowly drag you down. Cherish those that are a part of your life, strengthen relationships that have become weak, make new ones, and remember those you've lost.

Don't let the small things such as bad grade or a snarky comment break your happiness. Do things for yourself, get your nails done, buy that cute pair of shoes, and take a day or two off of work.

Always remember to say 'I love you,' never hold a grudge, tell your crush you like them, forgive, and be happy. Most importantly find ways to impact others, give every person you meet a reason to remember you.

You only have one life to live, we are not given an expiration date, and we may never know what day will be our last. Take the time to make sure that you are living each and every day to the fullest, recognize the future and work towards your goals.

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