If you go to College of Charleston you know just how lucky you are to have a reason to live in a city as amazing as Charleston. We have a bumpin’ nightlife, beautiful homes and historical buildings, more than enough things to keep you busy during the day and restaurants that a foodie can only dream about. The country knows we’re the #1 destination in the US, but that also means so do the people we haven't talked to in years. I can’t even begin to explain how many times I’ve gotten the increasingly annoying “Can I stay with you?” text.
If you go to CofC or a college in any other tourist destination, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Random background characters from high school that you shared maybe one or two classes with who haven’t kept up with you since high school who decide it’s totally acceptable to ask if they can sleep on your couch as if you’re their own personal free hotel.
If you’re this high school acquaintance - you’re rude. No, I absolutely am not okay with you sleeping on my couch and doing things without me for a few days. Why on Earth would I be? You haven’t bothered to even speak to me since high school so what makes you think I want to clean my apartment and let you sleep in my living room? You’re going to use my water and electricity all to leave at the end of your visit and not speak to me again until you need another free hotel (which my apartment, by the way, is not).
Look, I get it. Charleston is an expensive city and not every college kid has the funds to get a hotel room in a city like this, but that doesn’t give you the right to put me in an awkward situation having to tell you no when we barely know each other anymore. Make it a day trip or message someone who you actually know, since more of the time the high school acquaintances who bother me to stay with me were coming to visit someone else. The most ridiculous thing to do is ask someone to stay with them then not invite them out with you. What, would you like fresh sheets while you’re out and a mint placed on your pillow, as well? Who raised you to take advantage of people like that?
I guess what I’m getting at is if you want to take advantage of people after high school by sleeping on their couches, at least keep up with them outside of staying at their place. Otherwise, no I definitely don’t want you to crash on my couch for a weekend.