Growing up is hard. Society is constantly trying to define what is "perfect." For many, they get swallowed up in society's design and lose themselves in the process. Society is always trying to tell us what style is hot or not, what music is in or out, and what fad has taken the world by storm.
I have always tried to go against the flow- not to be a rebel, just simply trying to be myself. I have found that whenever I have sunk and conformed to society's desire -- I have lost myself. Looking back on my years in high school, this is the first time I can really say that I have felt the most myself. High school has taught me a lot. Although I can't tell you what I learned in my freshman biology class, I can tell you a lot about what I have learned outside of the classroom.
As cliche as it may sound, rather than trying to be "perfect," we all simply need to try and be our best selves. Sometimes being our best selves means doing things that are against the flow. Everybody has their opinions, and in life it is impossible to please everyone no matter how hard we try. There is so much peer pressure these days, and people can lose themselves while trying to fit in. The key is to never let anyone decide for you what is best for you. Everyone is different, everyone has their own story, and nobody ��can write that for you.
Live courageously, never in fear of what is to come, and never let anyone write your story.