7. "Peter Pan." | The Odyssey Online
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In A Slew Of Live-Action Disney Films, These 13 Classics Deserve The Next Live-Action Treatment

Instead of Will Smith as the Genie, imagine Chris Pratt as Hercules.

In A Slew Of Live-Action Disney Films, These 13 Classics Deserve The Next Live-Action Treatment

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Disney's latest trend is remaking all their classic films into live-action films. I think it's really exciting that the studio is reimagining their greatest films in brand new ways, but there are certainly other films that deserve this treatment. There are so many more Disney movies out there that are creative and imaginative and should definitely get a shot at being remade. There are so many new stories that can be brought to an entirely new audience! Here are thirteen classics that Disney should consider for their next live-action film.

1. "Hercules."


Picture this: Chris Pratt as Hercules, Aubrey Plaza as Meg. It's the Parks and Rec reunion we never knew we needed! My only condition is that Danny Devito has to return as Phil.

2. "The Black Cauldron."


Yes, this is the film that almost killed the studio, but I believe it can find new life as a live-action fantasy epic. After all, this movie is basically Walt Disney's "Lord of the Rings", so it could be huge as a live-action film!

3. "Oliver and Company" (But with humans!).


I'm not a huge fan of CGI animals (Looking at you, live-action Lion King), so it would be exciting to see a human retelling of Oliver Twist take place in New York City, soundtrack and all. I would honestly give Disney all my money to see Fagin's gang as a bunch of 80's punks.

4. "Atlantis: The Lost Empire."


This film was MADE for live-action!! The effects are larger-than-life, and the story is pretty much Disney's take on "Indiana Jones". The action would practically fly off the screen. I could seriously see this being the next "Avatar".

5. "Treasure Planet."


Much like Atlantis, this film was pretty much made for live-action, AND people have been asking for it for years. Disney, get on this project fast!

6. "Meet the Robinsons."


Can you imagine seeing all the cool robots and inventions in real life? This film could be a wonderland for practical effects!

7. "Peter Pan."


Who else wants to see Peter Pan and Captain Hook duke it out on the big screen? Plus, the sight of the Darling children and Peter flying over London would look so cool!

8. "Alice in Wonderland."


Before we go any further, I consider the Tim Burton film to be a sequel, not a remake. That being said, this is one of the most imaginative Disney films to ever come out of the vault. All the wonderful colors and characters could come to life in such a stunning way!

9. "The Rescuers."


There's not a whole lot of potential for CGI or other awesome effects in this one. I just love this movie A LOT and want to see it get new life on the big screen.

10. "The Sword in the Stone."


Yet another fantasy epic Disney could recreate! It would be so hilarious to see all of Merlin and Arthur's antics in live-action, not to mention the scene where pulls the sword from the stone would look heavenly.

11. "Tarzan."


This movie has so much excitement in it, it was practically made for live-action. How cool would it be to see the African jungle in high definition?

12. "Brave."


Surprise, there's some Pixar on this list, too!! The Scottish landscape would be absolutely gorgeous, and the fights with Morduu the demon bear would be even more exciting.

13. "Monster's, Inc."


Mike, Sully, and Boo's adventures would be so much more exciting if they were brought to life. Sully's already super cuddly, so just imagine how much more huggable he would be in live-action.

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