The average human lives approximately 80 years. Which is 29,200 days. Out of those days, you spend about 3,060 of them in school and probably around 14,600 days working, give or take. By the time you are finally able to "start living" or retire, there are 11,540 days. Life is short and it passes you by without even realizing it. Always spend every day like it's your last and stop waiting for "tomorrow", stop waiting for Friday, and stop sleeping in until 12 pm to start your day. You only get so many of them so take advantage of all the daylight you get.
The world doesn't owe you anything, don't spend your days feeling sorry for yourself that you didn't pass that test or don't sit around by the pool without your friends because you don't want your hair to get wet, and definitely don't go through life trying to be someone you are not because you only have so much time to be YOU. So, when you lay in bed at night, ask yourself, if it were all gone tomorrow, would regret today? Take the risk, let the people in your life know that you love them, go out with your friends on the weekend, forgive those who are genuinely sorry, and don't let your life be filled with regret.
Live every day as if that's the way people will remember you, however that may be. If you hate your job, then quit because life is about more than just living for another paycheck. Don't dwell on yesterday or what cannot be changed, live your life in the moment. You should never have to think when the last time that you did something for the first time was. Always find a new adventure, because there are a lot of them out there. Never settle for less than you deserve, because you deserve everything you want out of life, so fight as hard as you have to, to make that happen.
You get 29,200 days. 29,200 days to live your life however you decide. You have the power to make anything happen. You could change the world, cure cancer, or even do something as simple as smiling at someone. A simple smile has the power to change someone's life. Because you don't know what is going on in anyone else's world. Who knows, that simple meaningless smile that you gave, may have just saved that other person's life.