22 Little Things To Be Thankful For | The Odyssey Online
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22 Little Things To Be Thankful For

Never Forget The Little Things

22 Little Things To Be Thankful For

Sometimes, life gets really hard. In those times, it is hard to think of things that you are really thankful for. Here is a list of 22 things you might not think about right away when thinking about things you're thankful for.

1. The Taste of Hot Chocolate

Who doesn't love the taste of warm hot chocolate on the cold, fall days?

2. The Way the Snow Falls

The way the snow falls is just so graceful and beautiful. It is mesmerizing to watch!

3. The Smell of Campfires

You would be lying if you said that you didn't love the smell of campfires. They are also so much fun to watch!

4. Warm Hugs From the People You Love

When life gets tough, nothing feels better than nice, tight hugs from the people you love most.

5. Christmas Music

Whether it is Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas Is You" or Idina Menzel and Michael Buble's "Baby It's Cold Outside," you know you can't resist belting the lyrics when it comes on.

6. Home Cooked Meals

Everything tastes better when your mom makes it for you.

7. The Moon, Stars, and Sky

Don't you just love looking up in the sky? Trying to find constellations, looking for specific planets and stars. Appreciating the beauty of the moon.

8. Movie Marathons

It could be all of the Harry Potter movies or all of the Twilight movies, but watching them all back to back is so much fun! Especially with friends!

9. Warm Blankets

When it is really cold outside, the best thing is to just run into your room and get under all of the warm blankets to warm you up. It is even better with a heated blanket.

10. Fuzzy Socks

Putting on warm, fuzzy socks is such a cozy feeling. Who doesn't love fuzzy socks?

11. Binge Worthy Shows

My favorite types of days are days that I can stay in my pajamas and bed all day, binge watching Parks and Rec.

12. Pillows

Don't we all have that one pillow we love to cuddle up with more than all the other ones?

13. Chocolate

This isn't the same as hot chocolate. Just chocolate by itself is delicious! Chocolate makes you super happy, don't try and deny it.

14. Puppies

It doesn't matter if it is your puppy or your best friend's puppy, but you love snuggling up to them and you love when they give you kisses.

15. S'mores

Who doesn't love s'mores?

16. Cute Mugs

I'm not sure about guys, but I know girls understand how exciting it is to get a new mug with a cute saying on it!

17. The Perfect Playlist

Don't you just love the playlists where you don't have to skip any songs?

18. Great Books

On a lazy day, it is just so nice to curl up in bed with your hot cocoa and your favorite book!

19. Pretty Stationary

Stationary with pretty designs on it are so much fun! It makes writing people letters even more fun.

20. Handwritten Letters

Getting a handwritten letter from you boyfriend/girlfriend, mom, or anyone you love is just so much better than getting a typed one or an email.

21. Family

They may or may not be your family by blood, but the family are the loved ones who always have your best interest in heart and who love you unconditionally. Talking to them or just being around them is the best.

22. Scenic Walks

Walking around a place with a bunch of pretty flowers and trees is just so relaxing!

These are just some of the little things that I am thankful for. I really hope that you agree with me and that you can see that the little things are just as important to be thankful for as the bigger things.

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