Days at college can be long and tiring. Often though, it's the little things that can bring college students the most joy.
1. Dogs
2. Moving Into school
3. Free *insert free object being given away here*
4. Sunny Days
5. Fall Break
6. Caffeine
7. Texts from your friends from home for no reason
8. “Class is Canceled Today”
9. Care Packages
10. Stickers, lots and lots of stickers
11. Care packages
12. Taking a good nap
13. New Music
14. Thanksgiving Break
15. Hugs From Your Friends From Home
16. Seeing your family for the first time in a long time
17. Sales
18. Getting out of class early
19. When your roommate takes out the trash
20. When someone cleans the bathroom
21. Winter Break
22. “The lowest quiz grade will be dropped…”
23. “5 lowest quizzes will be dropped…”
24. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
25. Snow days
26. “I am pushing the exam back”
27. “The exam is a take home”
28. “The exam is open note”
29. “I am going to curve the exam”
30. Doing well on an exam you though you failed
31. Finally finishing your laundry after weeks of putting it off
32. Spring Break
33. The first beautiful day of Spring
34. Student discounts
35. Finding money
36. Crocs (the shoe not the animal)
37. Having a productive day
38. New episode/season of your favorite TV show
39. Crossing everything off your “To Do” list
40. Summer Break