My first job out of high school and living on my own I worked as the check in girl at a local gym. More like the check out girl at a local gym. I loved it. I loved boys. My eyes were open to this whole world of lets just say, no curfew and my fair amount of moscato and tequila.
Then, I went and got myself in a relationship, at a time in my life that I never saw something like that coming. As the story is told, that usually seems to be how it happens. Little did my young, wild self know, I would actually enjoy it. Some may say I actually loved it. I went from being this independent young adult that strongly talked of noncommittal dating to the one in the relationship. My closest friends were amazed. They loved watching the transition that happened inside of me. The one that I battled until finally it took me in to the point of me embracing it.
Now that time has come and gone. We have gone our separate ways like so many do. A peaceful separation with the support of supporting our individual dreams and passions. What I did not see coming were the things I never knew existed until they were then gone. My nacho and beer buddy after closing time, the person that tells you no you're not really mad but just hangry. The one that uses your a** as a laptop desk on the couch because what else would we do, use a table? That person. Just a simple person that keeps us company, supports us daily and is always down to get some good grub. An average Joe, but at the time… My cup of Joe.
This person that we have gone through holidays with, struggles, and jobs. The one that has seen us take steps back and steps forward because lets face it, no matter how hard we may try to deny it, we have allowed this person to be in such an intimate part of our lives by just allowing them to be a part of it.
Fast forward past the breakup, the tequila nights and you’re out to fried chicken and corn nuggets with this guy that is the athletics director from TCU and you feel the expectations. The questions. What is your favorite color?
You are now back at square one. Well really the square you need to be at. The difference is that now you know what it’s like to have someone that is your one. Now you know what it is like to have a companion that had your back at times when your backbone wasn’t quite enough.
These are the things that we forget, these are the things that we get to remember. We are young. These is our time to experiment. Let’s enjoy the taste test of all of our different loves until we find our favorite flavor.