Sometimes happiness is hard to find. So many of us think we need grand things in life to make us feel happy. We often feel as if we are lacking or missing something in life, and we crave more. Humanity has become very greedy when it comes to happiness. Just because you don't have a boyfriend or you don't have the money to do everything you want, that doesn't mean you can't be happy. There are so many small things in life that you can find happiness. We need to learn to appreciate the little things in life.
Yes it is OK to want things in life, and that isn't what is making humanity greedy. Humanity is greedy because so many of us do not appreciate what we already have in front of us. Sure, you may not have everything you desire, but it is important to look at the good in what you do have. Nobody is going to be happy every moment of everyday, so when you feel down, take a step back and look at the little things in life. Simple things in your life can bring you a little bit of joy each day if you begin to notice them more
Here are some of the little things in my life that make me happy each and everyday. Little thing are different for everyone, but here are some ideas.
1. Parents
I am blessed with parents who love me and care for me. They want me to have the best life and do so much for me. I appreciate all the do and for that I am grateful.
2. Siblings
I have a brother and sister who love me. I get to come home from school and hang out with them. I am never alone because I have siblings who will always have my back.
3. Friends
I have met some of the coolest people both away at school and at home. Finding friends who understand you and care deeply for you is one of the most important things in life. Life without my friends would be awful and I am so blessed to have them all in my life.
4. A place to call home
Sometimes I have this reality check. I am so fortunate to have a roof over my head and food to eat. I have so much and so many people in the world have nothing. Even in my college town I witness so may homeless people living on the streets. I often think about how lucky I am that I get to go away to college and get an education.
5. Weather
On days that are beyond beautiful, I am happy. Sunny and 75 is my ideal day and when I wake up and see the sun shine through my blinds, I realize I should appreciate how nice it is outside. When it is below freezing I should also look at the beauty of the snow and icicles. The world is truly amazing.
6. Teeny Tiny small and random things
My cup of coffee today was amazing, I got an A on my midterm, my mom sent me a care package, hearing my favorite song on the radio, getting a good workout in, seeing a friend or family member, surprises, Christmas, birthdays, good hair days, funny photos with friends, finding a new book, graduation, coloring, art, going to the beach, smiling, volunteering, your favorite food, your dog, your health, getting new clothes, finding your passion, playing a much more.
There truly are SO many things to be happy about and it is important to recognize something that makes you happy each and everyday. Once you do this, you will notice a change in how great you will feel.