You often hear the phrase, "It's the little things that matter" and by golly, anyone who says that is right. It is the little things that matter. Of course, I am grateful for a roof over my head, the shoes on my feet, and the people in my life that love and support me. But in a world where negativity is thrown in your face every way you look, you learn to appreciate and be grateful for the little things in life. When you really sit down to think about all the small things to be grateful for, the list gets quite long. Here are (just some) of the little things that I am grateful for.
1. When people say "please" and/or "thank you."
As someone who works in a restaurant, those two phrases go a long way. For someone to say those words when people are nagging you right and left, it truly makes you feel good inside amongst the chaos.
2. When people use their blinker.
This is self-explanatory. That little blinking light is so often taken for granted. Please use it and appreciate it.
3. Funny dog videos.
There is nothing better than those funny dog videos where dogs haven't quite figured out how to use the stairs yet. Save that gold on Facebook for a time when you feel sad and I promise, after you see a yellow lab walk up the stairs backwards, you won't want to cry anymore!
4. The green arrow when turning left.
God bless that arrow at 8:56 when you're late to school.
5. Your pillow.
A small part of life that goes unnoticed. After a long day, and you're dog-tired, your head hitting the pillow and your face smooshing into the clean, nice, pillow case is so wonderful.
6. When you tie your shoes and they are equally tight.
The level of frustration that I feel when my shoes are unequal tightness, I have a hard time describing. But so often we are in a hurry to tie our shoes and get on with whatever, but I cannot express how nice it is to have equally tightness of my tied shoes (try saying that 10 times fast).
7. Remembering to put the creamer in your cup before you pour the coffee so you don't have to use/dirty a spoon.
I guess what I am really grateful for is a good memory and coffee.
8. When your favorite song comes on the radio when you're on your daily commute.
One of my favorite things in the entire world is jamming to a song that I know every word to in my car, alone or with my best friends.
9. Sports bras.
Girls were blessed everywhere when this item was created.
10. Paying a bill.
Nowadays, it can be so easy to get caught up in the fact that you don't have enough money, or are drowning in student debt. But when you can actually pay a bill, that is something that I think gets taken for granted really easily.
11. Smooth writing, black ink pens.
As a writer, there is nothing more satisfying than using a smudge-proof, smooth-writing, black ink, fine-point pen to scribble down your thoughts with.
At the end of the day, the list can get pretty long of little things that can be taken for granted. Slow down, take a break, and think small.