I remember the day that I found out that you were going to be born. I was so excited that I ran around the house telling everyone I could find the good news. A few weeks later I found out that you were the sister I had always longed for. I really had no idea what I was in for at the time.
A few months later, you were born and I cried when dad showed me the pictures of you as we sat in the waiting room. I thought that there was no way that you weren’t my own personal angel straight from heaven. You were so perfect with your tiny little fingers and toes and your pink newborn baby skin. You’re much more grown up now, but you’re still the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid eyes on.
As your big sister, I’ve had the privilege to get to be your playmate and help take care of you as well as watch you grow into the amazing young lady that you are today. I cannot imagine getting a better deal than that. You’re someone incredibly special, and I hope that you will always feel that.
When we were both much younger, you were always my little doll. I remember dressing you up in lots of different outfits and teaching you different things (like the ballet foot positions that I’d never heard of before making mom look them up). Even then, you gave me the biggest gift that a sister could ever hope for: your trust.
Now that you’re getting older, I can’t help but admire the person that you are becoming. You are the kindest and sweetest girl that I have ever met and your patience for me seems unending. I admire your faith in God and the way that you share that light with everyone you meet. I am so proud of you for taking your dreams and working so hard to make them a reality.
You have done so much for me, too; maybe the biggest being that you took the trust that you gave me and turned it into a wonderful friendship. You’re growing up so fast and I’m excited to see the things that God will continue to do in your life. Growing up isn’t always easy, but that’s why I’m here to help you every step of the way. I hope that by watching me grow up and make mistakes you will learn from them and not have to make some of the same ones on your own.
No matter what happens, I have and will always love you with all of my heart. I’m still not convinced that you aren’t an angel living on earth. Your presence has blessed my life in ways that you will never know. Thank you for being such an amazing sister and remember that you are loved beyond measure!