To my mini-me,
In a short four months, I will be packing up my bags and starting a new chapter of my life and you will take on the role of only child in the house.
Soon you will be the only one cleaning the dishes, walking the dogs and dealing with Mom and Dad’s bad days and constant nagging about all of the ridiculous things that you most definitely will not want to do; don’t argue back. I promise that it is a better idea to keep things as peaceful as possible. Mom will stress you out beyond belief about every possible detail of your life; don’t get mad at her. She is trying to keep a relationship with you because you’re her baby girl and she only has one child to drive insane now.
Don't let her stress you out too much. Take care of the things she asks you to do because she hated when I didn't do them. I would take back all of the fights that we had if I could, so don't put yourself in that position. Do your homework on time and don't slack off like I did. When dad comes home after having a long day at work, help mom make dinner for him because it'll make his day a bit better, even if he doesn't show it. All of these things will make your life a bit easier while I'm gone and you need to take care of the responsibilities in the house.
My room is still my room, though. I know you’re very excited to jump on top of the idea of sleeping in my room and getting rid of all of my stuff but I am asking you in the kindest way possible not to do that. I will not be out of the house permanently for another few years and it will be nice to come home to a room that is still mine and that still holds all of my things. I still want my pictures of all of my friends and all of my trinkets that I have collected over the years to still be there when I come home to visit or on break during the summer. I promise when I get my own apartment and am living on my own you will be able to go and move in my room; so wait.
Don’t be afraid to call me when that boy you like is being a pain or when you and your friends get in fights. I promise I have been through all of it and I am always willing to give you advice. You constantly have your phone on you and I will do my very best to respond when I can, of course when I’m not in a class, and I want you to know that I will still be here for you no matter what.
Your life is going to be a little different once I leave. But, don't forget that you're still going to be my go-to when I'm having a bad day, when mom won't stop bothering me about my grades, or when I'm homesick. You can always call me whenever something is wrong or you're having a bad day. I'm only a phone call away.