Thank you for everything.
You have been the little blessing in my life that I did not know that I needed. You have been there for me like I have been there for you. You are the reason that I want to be a better person because I want you to have someone to look up too.
Your dreams
Nothing makes an older sibling happier than hearing your sibling talk about their dreams. It warms my heart to know that you are going to be doing such wonderful things. I know that the world is going to have to get ready for all that you have to offer it.
Your accomplishments
From the countless hours of having bleacher butt, to sitting through awards ceremonies I would not have traded these hours for anything in the world. You put so much time into all that you do, from the offseason training and the late nights of having my quiz you for a test. You are a lot stronger than people ever will know.
Your big heart
No matter what is going on in your life, you are always there for everyone before yourself. I cannot thank you for always being there for me even when I did not know that I needed to have someone there for me. I cannot thank you enough for your constant caring for everyone, even if they had treated you like crud before.
Your Netflix show
You are always recommending TV shows for me to watch and I cannot thank you enough for all of this. You are always making sure that I have something to watch because after watching Pretty Little Liars I was hooked.
Your snaps
When I was in class and I see that you snapped me I would know that it would be something that would make my day. You are always sending the best snap filters and making jokes to make my day so much better. I love how we snap each other videos of our days and it is a bond that is not ever going to be broken.
Your late night shenanigans
"Let's get ice cream! They close in ten minutes, hurry!" I cannot tell you how many nights we have had these conversations. I know that we are always wanting to get ice cream late at night, especially in the summer, and I cannot thank you enough for being my sweet toothed sister.
Reminding me who I am
Thank you for calling me out on my crap, when I am not acting like myself and being someone who I am not. Thank you for giving me input when I ask for your opinion, no matter how honest it is. You remind me to always reach for the stars and to never settle for less.
Our inside jokes
Thank you for being the jokester that you are. You always know how to make me laugh, and I love how we have inside jokes. I know that mom and dad get annoyed when we make references to our jokes because they do not get them. But hey that is the best thing about having a sister right, the constant inside jokes and making your parents see that you two have an amazing bond.
Being my sister
You are the best blessing that has ever happened to me. You have been there for me since the day I got to hold you for the first time. You have been my best friend since day one, you are my really homie G.