Dear Homie-quan (Sarah),
You are the third out of four siblings, which either means you got a lot of attention or barely any. And considering the lack of pictures of just you, I'd say you didn't get as much attention as the rest of us did.
To my knowledge, we were never super close as kids, just standard annoying sisters. But things changed the year we ended up in high school together. I'm glad we've become close in the last few years - you're your own person and I like her very much. She's very curated and cultured.
There isn't a moment I'm not proud of you. Sure you're doing all the same things our older sister and I did - so the novelty has worn off - but you put your own weird spin on things.
I love how open you are to the world and learning more about others and yourself. I admire how much you're willing to give for your friends, your favorite artists and creators, and to yourself. I admire your courage to be honest about what you do and don't know and what you will and won't do, something I'm still learning.
I get disappointed in you when I know you're not doing your best or making the most out of life. I know I'm not that much older than you, but I've been there and back and I couldn't imagine you not gaining something from my experiences. I get sad when you get sad and aren't able to succeed or thrive. I always want what's best for you, even if it's something you think you don't need.
I love learning about you. I love hearing our parents gush about your driving skills, how you're making friends in college, and what you and your old high school friends get up to. I love seeing you on Snapchat and Instagram doing your hair, makeup, or just hanging out with your dorm friends. My new favorite thing is watching you on Twitter. It's weird that I have to ask you how to use that app, but it's just one of the ways I'm starting to rely on you. You tell me what memes are up and coming and I tell you the latest irrelevant celebrity gossip. Tit for tat.
I consider you to be one of my good friends more than my sister. You make me laugh, think, and see what I'm missing out on. I know I don't tell you everything and you don't tell me as much (because you claim not much happens), but I'm genuinely interested in what gets you going and what happens in your world.
We're both at milestones in our life; you're eighteen and a freshman in college and I'm twenty-one and just graduated. Yet we're both just as lost and confused as ever, and we still keep giving each other (questionable) advice while telling jokes along the way. And that's something wonderful.
Even though you're taller than me, smarter than me, and go to more concerts, you'll always be my baby sister who's been good on her own, but chooses to keep me around. We had to share our life growing up, but I can't wait to willingly share new things with you - as long as you want to share them with me, too.
I love you, my dude. From 1,000 miles away, over the wifi, and in my heart.
Your other big sister,
Beep-Beep (Paula)