There is something special about children before they turn 5, and I don't truly know how to explain it. Besides the small fights over who took whose toy, they are rarely ever mean or hurtful to anyone, and sometimes they are just too funny to handle. Whether you babysit pre-schoolers, work at a camp, or work at a daycare, you feel the exact same way. And if you don't work with little kids, you really should start because I promise it is well worth it!
1. These kids deserve a reality show.
Whether it's the love triangle between three 4 year olds, fighting over who looks better in the Elsa dress, or the latest drama of who isn't friends with whom, there is always something funny going on and unlike the people on Jersey Shore or the Real Housewives these kids are super cute.
2. Is there ever truly a difference between an indoor voice and an outdoor voice?
There is only two volumes for little kids and that loud or louder. There could be two kids and it would sound almost as loud as a rock concert. No matter how many times you say, "use your indoor voices" it will never work.
3. I need to get a picture of so and so they look so cute right now.
Odds are that if you want a picture you have to be extremely quick because these kids are faster than you and can't sit still for more than maximum 5 seconds. So get that cute picture of them covered in ice cream before they get it all over you.
4. I was just watching them where did they go?
You can turn away for 2 seconds, and those little monsters are gone. They could be throwing paint everywhere, dumping out toys upon toys, or worse hiding. Good luck.
5. How did they learn all of this information?
One day at camp one of the 2 year olds started talking about all these facts about animals and about how whales breathe through their blowholes because they were mammals, and I was in shock. I would expect this from one of my 4 year old campers, but a 2 year old?
6. How can I choose a favorite they are all so cute?
Especially when you work with a group of kids there are about 20- 30 extremely cute kids running around. Plus there is always one kid who gets super attached to you, and they always make you feel extra special every day.
7. This is the best job ever.
Seriously though working with little kids is the highlight of my summer. They continuously make you laugh, give so many hugs and kisses, always want to do something fun, and when it's time to relax they make the cutest sleepers and cuddle buddies.