One of my favorite philosophers, story tellers, author, and thinker: Theodor Geisel aka, Dr. Seuss. An incredible man with such unique and wonderfully silly, yet impacting words. There is so much we can learn if we keep our minds young, and our mentality wise, and Dr. Seuss is the most superb at being exactly that.
Today I'm going to give you 13 quotes by Dr. Seuss that you should truly consider, and consider living your life through the eyes of a Who.
1. Fantasy is a Necessary Ingredient in Living, It's a Way of Looking at Life Through the Wrong End of A Telescope
Never let your mind grow as old as your body. Never stop believing in fairy tales and laughing at silly jokes. Being an adult and being responsible doesn't mean growing out of the little wonders of life. Watch Disney movies and read children's stories. Sit and look at pictures and laugh when silly pointless things happen. Dance in the kitchen and sing like you do in the shower...ALL the time.There is nothing stopping you from believing in anything besides yourself.
2. I Know Up on Top, You are Seeing Great Sights, but Down Here at the Bottom we, too, Should Have Rights
Everyone is equal. Everyone deserves a chance, and an opportunity. Power and money does not make us right or happy, it's how we act in the situations we are living in. It's what we consider value, and what others consider truth. Always consider other people, always be kind, and always accept and try to understand others, no matter what they are compared to you on the outside. Inside, we all have the same build.
3. Sometimes You Will Never Know the Value of a Moment, Until it Becomes a Memory
I try to always keep this in mind with all of my experiences. We wont remember everything either, but I tell myself to treat every moment like it's the only you'll ever have. I tell myself that people may not remember everything about someone, and you won't remember everything about yourself or others, but you will remember how you felt around them, and around you. If only we could capture the value of moments like a scent in a candle. And when it urns, you can feel it all over again.
4. My Alphabet Starts Where Your Alphabet Ends
Never follow others, and always be yourself and imaginative. There is no reality outside of the very own you've created. Not everything we know as permanent is permanent. Make up words, numbers, letters, be silly and weird and nonsensical. It's a part of living our short little lives.
5. Teeth Are Always in Style
I love this because it's true. The best attribution of yourself that you can always show off, is your teeth: Your Smile. And your teeth don't have to be perfect or spotless, they're meant to show your beauty through happiness and smiles. I have a tooth that sticks out and I call it my snaggle tooth, and I once met a guy who thought I intended to fix it because it was an imperfection, but the truth is that it's beautiful and characteristic. I love to smile. I love to show my teeth. They're me.
(Accept You).
6. Be Who You Are and Say What You Feel Because Those Who Mind Don't Matter, and Those Who Matter Don't Mind
This is my favorite. Sometimes we do things we don't mean too, sometimes we feel things that are bizarre and wacky, but those in your life who want you in them, will forgive you and understand that people do things and we just don't know why. You should not have to worry about pleasing others and reject yourself to make them happy or comfortable. Be your absolute truest self and do what you want to do. Those who walk away from you are not worth it. I want to emphasize that a million times. You deserve people who love and accept absolutely you, just like those people deserve somebody who loves and accepts absolutely them.
7. Today You are You, and That is Truer than True, There is No One Alive Who is Youer Than You
This is perfection. There are no standards of who you should be. Be you, accept you, and that's how you live the fullest life. Full of everything, and every you.
8. Because When You Stop and Look Around, This Life is Pretty Amazing
I think humans rush too much. Always shifting from one place to the next, always busy, always looking down a one way street...but if you just rest for one moment, a moment to yourself and to the world...just a moment of absolute nothingness, will open you up to everything in that nothing. The world has so much to offer, if you just slow down and live life fluently and passionately. Doing non-progressive things like sitting with friends, or standing outside breathing in fresh air, ARE progressive. The world is a natural and smooth place, it wasn't meant for business and glass buildings and a money system. It was made or green, luscious life.
9. If You get A Chance, Take it. If it Changes Your Life, Let it
Don't think too much, and be open to others opinions and philosophies. Change is growing and becoming different. It's not bad, and if you travel the wrong path than you learn from it and continue forth.
10. I'm Afraid Sometimes You'll Play Lonely Games too, Games You Can't Win Because You'll Play Against You
Also another one of my favorites. I know very well how horrible we can be to ourselves, and how kind we will be to others. I've always loved the saying, treat others how you want to be treated...but I always forget that I have to be kind to myself too. Being alone will unmask you to your deepest and most painful thoughts, and you have to discover the self will and love of yourself to overcome it. The monster isn't in the real world, it's in your head, and you can make it past the dark.
11. You Can Find Magic Wherever You Look. Sit Back and Relax, All You Need is a Book
You will never be too old to believe in what we cannot physically see. I will believe in mermaids and fairies until I die. There is no harm in living a creative life--not everything you believe has to be researched in factual evidence. Believe in the unseen, and see in the mystery and fantasy.
12. I Like Nonsense, It Wakes Up the Brain Cells
"Have I gone mad?" "I'm afraid so, but all the best people are." Exercise your mind, it needs food and energy just like everything else living and growing.
13. We Are All a Little Weird and Life's a Little Weird, and When We Find Someone Who's Weirdness is Compatible With Ours, We Join Up With Them in Mutual Weirdness, and Call it Love
That is love. Dr. Seuss centers around the ideas of embracing our true self's...and if we do that, then we will find our place. Love isn't worrying or becoming someone your not. Love isn't always lust and's laying in bed telling jokes and laughing until you're 70. It's sitting on your porch in the middle of the night wrapped in silence with your someone next to you. It's helping each other when they fall down, and not kicking them around. It's becoming silly and obnoxious in a beautiful and strange way. True love is blind. When you feel love, you won't ask or question if it's just is.
I may emphasize love a lot in my articles, and it's because I believe love is life. Loving and feeling is living and healing. I don't think it's a bad thing that I love so much, and that I hurt just as much. It's how I choose to live my life, and I am not afraid to feel to the very utmost emotion.