Dear little, yet not so little, now teenage, little sister(s),
When it comes down to it, I love being your older sister. It is truly one of the things I am proudest to be. You're not only a sister but in many ways you're my best friend. There's so much fun and joy in having you around. The "good ol' days" included dress up parties, putting on shows for the family, those make-believe games, countless coloring books, and the list could go on. Growing up has turned those things into afternoons of shopping, movie nights, jam out sessions in the car, trying to cook Pinterest-y things, taking selfies together, those deep talks, and like before, the list could go on. The little things may have changed, but our bond has not.
Part of me is sad to watch you grow up. The world is not always the nicest place, and you're having to learn that for yourself. You're exposed to so much negativity that you often will be able to do little about. My wish for you, though, is that you hold on to as much innocence as you possibly can. Let it guide your perspective and help you see beyond the hard parts of this life. Let it give you a happiness that outweighs any sadness. Let it continually demonstrate to you how to love yourself and love others. Don't be in a hurry to grow up, because there's only so much good in it. It may be the one thing you want now, but in retrospect, you'll have the realization that being young makes for a wonderful time in life.
My prayer is that you live this life to the fullest. I want you to know that the only way to do this is if you live a life of faith, hope, and love. And as 1 Corinthians 13:13 reminds us, the greatest of these is love. Love yourself because from the way I see you, there's a lot to love. Don't listen to anyone who tries to tell you differently. Love others because you can't expect to go through this life alone.
Personally, know that I am here. Talk to me, because believe it or not, I give good advice. Why do I say that? Because I've been where you are! When I think of you, the song "I Hope You Dance", comes to my mind, because I really and truly hope you dance through this life, that you'll still feel small when you stand beside the ocean, and that you'll give faith a fighting chance. This life has so much to offer you, my sister(s)! Don't take a day for granted.
I hope I can set an admirable example for you. You're basically as tall as me now, so you can't literally look up to me (not cool by the way). Figuratively speaking, though, I hope I'm a good enough big sister that you can look up to me. And when it comes down to my mistakes, I hope you can learn from them. I know I complain that you try to be like me (*cough cough, when you steal my clothes), but on an honest note, it's halfway sweet. I hope my accomplishments push you to achieve your own. Lastly, I hope you don't follow in my footsteps, but create a path of your own that you can look back on and be proud of.
With all my overprotective, overbearing, and sometimes dysfunctional sisterly love,
Your big sister
Dedicated to my little sisters, Abby and Anna. First, because your 13TH BIRTHDAY was this past Saturday! But second and most importantly, because I love y'all and don't show it enough. It's crazy to think that as a little 5-year-old girl I prayed for a little sister and God gave me not only one but two! As aggravating as you can be, it is a blessing to be your big sister.