Hey little man! I haven't seen you in a few weeks and it's kind of crazy how much I'm missing you right now. Last time I was home I distinctly remember getting into a knock-down drag out with you... Thinking about it now makes me laugh. It also just makes me miss you more.
Because you're missing the presence of the best girl in your life (besides mom) I thought I'd write this letter to you and remind you of all the important things I want to teach you.
I am so proud of you.
You're growing up really fast, which means you're being forced to deal with a lot of new things. You're getting really into sports, which makes my heart so incredibly happy. You'll learn later that being a part of a team is the greatest accomplishment you'll have. You're also going to learn so much about leadership and respect. Just enjoy it and don't take it for granted! Also, you're more than just athletically inclined, you're pretty smart too. I know you don't really think so, but you are. You're smart in a different kind of way. You're so full of information and I love it. If you'd just apply yourself like I know you can, you'd be at the top of your class, for sure. Keep up all your hard work.
You're becoming quite the little ladies man.
You don't fool me. I still stalk you on Facebook and I see all the little ladies that are liking your posts and I always know who you're dating... For the week, sometimes month. As you get older, (and cuter) that's going to continue to happen. You're going to have all these different girls "falling for you." You're a boy, I know. You're going to think you're real cool having all these ladies all over you. At some point, however, you'll find a really special one, one that will make you forget about all the other ones. You'll treat her like a gentleman is supposed to treat a lady - I'll make sure of it. Who knows, maybe you'll end up becoming high school sweethearts, but you could also get your heart broken. That sucks, it really does. Honestly, though, it's basically inevitable.The only advice I have for that is just to not let it change you. Continue to love with all your little heart. I know this seems like it's over your head now, but it'll all be upon you sooner than you'd think.
Stay true to who you are.
I know you're going through all these changes and you're learning so much and it can all be extremely overwhelming at times. You might even have days where you ask yourself, "Who am I?" Don't dwell on this. You don't think you know who you are on the surface, but deep down you just know. Don't let anyone change you because, in my opinion, you're pretty great just how you are. Continue to be kind to others, especially strangers, you don't know their struggles so don't judge them. Don't let anyone pressure you into anything you don't want to do. I don't care how cool the other kids seem, if you know they're doing something stupid, DO NOT join them. It won't make you cool, it'll just make you look stupid. Also in relevance to this, don't put yourself in danger. You know what I'm talking about so I don't have to explain. But only because I care about you so much I just thought I'd give you another reminder. Again, you're a smart kid, so don't ruin it!
Listen to your mother.
You have some pretty intelligent parents, for that you are lucky. But your mom is kind of the most amazing person on earth, and for that, you're truly blessed. It took me a long time to understand everything she's done for us. She does so much for you, more than you'll ever know. Once you realize it, the better off you'll be - just trust me. She will always be there for you, she'll always be willing to help, and she's always going to love you like no one else will. You need her love and her support, so appreciate her. Tell her thank you from time to time and continue to help her out. Believe her when she says nothing good happens after midnight. Been there, done that... She's right. Listen to her when she says something isn't a good idea, it's probably not. Don't ever get too angry with her, she's just trying to do what's best for you and she's unbelievably smart. You'll figure it all out someday, I just want you to figure it out sooner than I did.
So I'm away and I don't get to hang out with you as much as I'd like. I'd love to be able to teach you these important life lessons by being with you, but unfortunately, life just doesn't happen that way. A college education is pretty important these days I guess. I hope this has helped you and I pray that you take this to heart. I've been in your shoes, I've made plenty of mistakes, and at one point I lost sight of what was really important in life. I'm giving you all this advice because I want more for you and because I love you so very much. I wish I didn't have to miss the ballgames or the first home-runs. I wish I could witness you going to the dances, going out on dates, and falling in love. I just wish I could watch you grow up. Stalking you on Facebook just isn't enough sometimes. You should try calling me more.