Is it worse to go through the pain yourself or to watch a loved one go through it?
I don't know if there is a solid answer to this question.
I've been through an eating disorder. I experienced the ups and downs. I've had my near-death experiences, I've put razor to skin, and I've dried out my tear ducts. I held the power to change my life and the direction in which it was going.
But, then I watched a friend go through a similar experience. And I have to say that I am one of the lucky ones. While I sat in treatment, in a safe and warm place, and bettered myself, she sat alone with only her disorder to accompany her. As doctors and staff whispered positive affirmations in my ear, she sat alone only to listen to the voices and demands of ED.
Being alone is worse than being surrounded by help when help is not wanted nor desired. Eventually, the kind words seep in past the surface, settle into the brain, and become believable.
Silence is never the answer. No one should suffer alone or feel as if their struggle is less than someone else's.
One cannot fight a disorder that holds the brain hostage and wreaks havoc on the body on their own. There is strength in numbers and the support and encouragement that comes from others.
Wrap your arms around someone, squeeze them tight, whisper in their ear, and remind them of what life has in store.
Be the light in someone's life that provides direction and safety. There is tremendous power in kindness.