Dear Little,
This week you became a big to your own perfect little nugget and I am so excited for you. I remember this time last year when I was getting you as my little (even though I had known you were going to be my little since I first starting stalking your social media before recruitment even started) I was still so excited to finally call you mine. You are such a great little and I can’t wait to watch you grow even more as you now that you are a big to your own little.
Little, you have all of the greatest qualities you need as a big. You are genuine, kind, and so weird in all the funniest ways. She is going to have the best mentor to learn from and she is so lucky to have you. This is your year to grow in our chapter and take on leadership positions. I have watched you fall in love with our sorority and gain so much passion about being apart of it. I know you will excel at position you may and be a great role model for your little. You are someone she is definitely going to look up to.
I look up to your grand-big so much and I wanted to the best big to you, just like she was to me. I love the big/little relationship that her and I have and I wanted us to have that too. What I did not realize until later is that every big/little relationship is going to be different. The past year you have been my little you have become one of my best friends. You always make me laugh and think about things in a positive way. We’ve had our arguments, but who doesn’t? It is bittersweet with you getting your own little because it’s not just you and me anymore, but I am so grateful to have you and now have a mini version of you too.
I want you to show her so much love. I want her to know that she is apart of such a great support system by you being her big and me being her grand-big. She will have the best teacher when it comes to learning about all the reasons why we love our sorority and this sisterhood so much. You always have such a joyful energy about you and never fail to voice your opinion. This is something that your little is going to be thankful for. She will learn that you are always motivated and eager to do more with our sorority. Through you, I’m sure she will see how important it is to be involved. I have tried to set that kind of example for you and I know you will do the same with your little.
I am overwhelmed with emotions now that you are getting a perfect little babe of your own, but completely at ease because I know you will be the absolute best. I am so proud of you little and can’t wait to welcome in the new addition! I couldn't be more proud to call you my little.