I have been told that I complain a lot and am very picky with things. I agree that I can be "high-maintence" at times, but some things are just flat out annoying. Even the little things that some people can overlook seem obnoxious. Those are the worst in my personal opinion. I decided to share some of those little annoyances that enrage me to my core. I may be alone on some of these, but maybe someone else feels the anger I do towards these things.
1. Slow walkers
I can't stress enough how much people that walk slow bother me! I always try to walk around them, but sometimes they create a wall of slow walkers that I can't get around and I want to explode.
2. People that use their phones and/or talk in the movie theater
You are so rude if you do this. STOP IT! Did you not see the ten different previews that said to silent your phone and enjoy the movie? Of course you didn't, you were too busy playing on your phone and talking to the person next to you!
3. Bags of chips
Ahhh the satisfying feeling of opening a new bag of chips. All is right in the world until you look down and realize you basically paid for air because the bag of chips is only halfway full!
4. People that don't turn on their turn signal
First off this is EXTREMELY dangerous. You're not only putting your life in danger, but all of the drivers around you too. It's really not that hard to do, I promise!
5. People yelling at players at sporting events
I understand yelling and getting angry at sporting events. Sometimes things don't go the way you wanted. I totally get shouting at the other team and telling them you hate them. What I don't get is when fans yell at players that are on the team they are cheering for! If one of your teams players misses a free-throw you don't scream at them and call them stupid. You should say "that's alright" and cheer them on! Don't be a mean fan to your own freaking team it doesn't make sense!
6. People who read over your shoulder
Stop it! This is not for you to look at! You don't even know who I am yet you think we can share reading material and have the same interests. I don't care if it's a book, magazine, newspaper, or phone, it's not yours so stop it, please.
7. People that take forever at the cash register
I love finding a good deal and I respect people that do. However if you are checking out and pull out a giant stack of coupons we are going to have a problem. It is even worse when one of their beloved coupons doesn't work and they fight with the cashier about it.
8. People wearing headphones
I love listening to music and having jam sessions, but if you can't hear the car behind you because you have headphones in, we have a problem. Also take your freaking headphones off when someone is talking to you! I don't care if the volume is on low or you paused the song. Be a decent human and take them off!
9. Elevators
If you are going to second floor and there are stairs in the building I better not see you in that elevator. Also please don't make small talk with me its just an elevator ride.
10. People that are rude to waiters/waitresses -
You're a cruel, cold-hearted person if you are rude to your waiter at a restaurant. Don't be that person, everyone hates that person. Oh and if you don't tip you clearly must have no soul and don't love your mother.
This list could go on and on for days, but I am getting angry just making this list so I need to stop and pet a dog or something. So, long story short, try your best to keep the annoying things you do to a minimum.