What is Literary Merit? Well according to Wikipedia: Literary merit is a high quality of writing attributed to works of literature including drama, poetry, and prose. Critics point to literary merit as necessarily subjective, since the aesthetic value is often determined by personal taste, and has been derided as a "relic of a scholarly elite".
Based on the first half of this definition we can assume that anyone can decide what has Literary Merit. But is that true? If it is why are we still reading the ‘classics’? According to my literature textbook (Insert title here) literature that has this Merit, is usually based more around a theme rather than plot, but if this is true, why is Dorian Gray given this title? The answer lies in the first sentence of this definition, it is subjective. Nobody thinks the same books deserve literary merit.
But the second half of this still remains true, ‘derided as a relic of a scholarly elite’. And it’s true. The views surrounding these books is full of elitism. Scholar’s on Tumblr frown down at those who haven’t read Jane Eyre.
Another journalist put it perfectly saying,” Literary Merit is by its very definition a subjective point of view to refer to the 'scholarly elite'. The term is entirely pedantic and does not refer to a text's quality or even its reception.
The title is exclusive due to its relationship to the Ivory tower, and unfortunately, this means quality popular and modern works are often excluded due to Academia's own elitism.”
This denies many works of literature that have a monumental impact on the less elite, for example, Harry Potter has impacted an entire generation of people, in my opinion it is worthy of literary merit, but is excluded due to the fact that Academia remains a place for only the most elite and proud scholarly works. But why? Shouldn’t merit be based on how the content shapes the reader? Or the actual quality of the writing?
Dante’s Divine Comedy has merit for its writing, specifically, it’s rhyming pattern of threes and its meaning in history. While Harry Potter isn’t the best writing wise or have deep historical significance, it has still provoked such intense reactions from fans, and non-fans alike.
In 2001 Harry Potter books were burnt alongside many other works. While a Washington post article suggests Harry Potter shaped many political opinions. So shouldn’t it be given merit among the scholarly elite?
But surely not every book that influences somebody can have literary merit? Well yes you’re right. The AP test can’t include every book ever written. That would be ridiculous. But why not include those who impact people on a global scale? Not just classics. Add more options rather than stick to crusty old classics. Add variety among the classics, I'm tired of reading them as I'm sure teachers are tired of reading essays with the same thesis and content.