When 365 days pass by on planet Earth, the human beings inhabiting it will have embarked on yet another full journey around the sun. Throughout Earth’s many orbits around the sun, not a single resource has proven to be as vital to human life as water. It always has been, and always will be essential for survival. Although humans call planet earth home; major pollution, climate change and drought are affecting our greatest water sources, including shorelines and waterways. Consequently, over 11 percent of Earth’s population is without clean drinking water.
There are diverse organizations that focus on water related issues globally, such as Merrill Garbus’ The Water Fountain Fund. The colorful lead singer of the indie pop band, tUnE-yArDs, created The Water Fountain Fund to focus on water-related issues involving climate change, water conservation, protection and women’s health. This musician is working for change by generously donating profits from the sales of her most recent album, "Nikki Nack." She gives a dollar from every concert ticket sold and a fraction of music licensing fees from their songs being displayed in movies, television shows and ads, to certain foundations that will give rise to an overall change. When tUnE-yArDs donates their profits to causes such as WaterAir, Oxfam America and Drop in the Bucket, they are initiating a massive change that sends shocks across the world and starts important conversations.
Garbus feels strongly about access to clean drinking water not only globally, but around her community as well, which is why she decided to use her position and voice to work towards a positive cause. In tUnE-yArD’s number one track, “Water Fountain,” Garbus sings “No water in the water fountain,” and she means it quite literally. Communities across the world are burdened with the thought that they are without safe drinking water. By supporting tUnE-yArDs’ music, you become part of a cause that ultimately results in clean drinking water and health education to populations worldwide. You become a catalyst for change.