One thing I have never underestimated in my life so far, is the power of feelings. You could be as solid as you want on the outside, but your feelings and emotions have a significant amount of influence in your life and how you live it. Everyone's are different. Some are overly abundant and strong, easily felt, and maybe even easily hurt. Others may be harder to identify, more difficult to pinpoint what exactly they are, and how to even handle them. Some of them may be rather simple, easy to figure out and act upon, while some are complicated, and seem to demand attention. Regardless of the type of feelings they are, despite how complicated they may seem to be, it is so important to give them the time and attention they ask for.
As we move through life, we pick up many things, from many different people. A teacher may offer you very good study tips and habits to get into. A friend may introduce you to new club or sport that opened you up to more opportunities. Even a homeless man on the street may teach you a lesson on compassion and kindness that brought you in to a new state of mind. Think of feelings like this. Each one offering you bits of information you can either choose to listen to, or not. Either way, your feelings demand to be cared for and listened to.
Just recently, scientists and people alike, began to observe something different in the behavior of giraffes. On several safaris through the African wild, people were noticing giraffes eating something that seemed a bit out of their diet: bones. It is not uncommon to know that giraffes are herbivores, and that plants are the only thing on their menu. However, they are also the tallest herbivores on the planet, and require huge amounts of nutrients to fill them with what they need. When sources of calcium in the plants they normally eat begins to lack, they resort to bones, obviously very high in that mineral. They do not know why exactly they are doing it, but it is purely the body guiding them to what they need to pay more attention to, even though it strays from the usual menu.
Our feelings and thoughts act very similarly. It is not always easy to trace the source of a certain thought or feeling, or even figure out why you are having it. They seem to just happen. When we get these emotions and feelings in our mind, they are their for a reason. They are present to tell us something, offer us a sort of wisdom or knowledge we need to hear. We feel sad and depressed, so we begin to reflect on our lives and find what is making us feel this way. We feel excited and happy, and we keep our minds on the future, and what is next to come. Sometimes we even feel love and intimacy in us, and we look to who or what may be the cause of those feelings. Our feelings make themselves known so we can investigate them, find the cause and reasoning behind their happening. In doing so it helps us better understand who we are, and even give insight into the people and life around us.
Our feelings come without notice, and while we can feel overwhelmed by them, it is so important to give them time to tell, and for you to listen. The giraffe doesn't go eat bones for fun, it does so because it needs to, and it's body is telling it to. Just the same our feelings are there to inform us better of who we are or what we need to know. They can speak to us at even the most unlikely of times, and we must always be open to listen, and understand.