Country is a very common style of music. Although it is so common, a lot of the population of people do not enjoy listening to it. When asked why they don't like country music, the most common answer given is that all country music is the same. This tends to be the most common answer because if you do not like country music, all you will hear throughout a song is words like "beer, girlfriend, truck, dip, etc." and those are the only words people tend to catch while listening to different songs. If people actually gave country music a chance, they might notice that most country songs have a story behind them. Stories that are meaningful to the artists lives. For example, "You Should Be Here" by Cole Swindell is a song written about his dad and how his dad passed away and how he wishes his dad could be with him at his concert. Cole Swindell actually wrote that song in the parking lot of Gillette Stadium right before his concert and sang it for the first time that night. Another reason that people tend to say that they don't like country music is because they think it is boring to listen to. What they don't understand is that country music is the best music to listen to when your just driving down the road with the windows down or when your just laying in bed trying to relax. You can listen to country music no matter what mood you are in. If you're sad, happy, or just relaxed. There are country songs for all feelings and moods. When listening to rap, rnb, rock, etc. you can only really listen to them if you're in a hype mood or feeling like you want to jam out. When listening to country, it can make you feel any type of way. It relates to anything that could be going on in your life. The songs may not say it exactly, but the meaning behind the song or a certain phrase of a song could very much relate to anyone. There are so many different stories behind so many different country songs that there is a song that you will relate to in some type of way no matter what is going on in your life. Listening to rap, rnb, or genres related to those is just like listening to someone scream about stealing something or getting into a fight with someone else. Granted, those songs are fun to listen to and jam out to with your friends once in a while, country is a genre that you can listen to all the time and never get bored of. Yes, this may be an opinionated statement, but if you listen to country music long enough you will get hooked on it. I know plenty of people that have hated country music their whole lives and then I get them to listen to country music as often as I could and now they absolutely love it and listen to it more than any other genre. I am not saying that if you listen to country music that you have to or even will listen to it more than other genres, I am simply saying that if you let yourself listen to it, start to like the catchy beats of the song, and listen to the words that you will enjoy country music more than you did before or even just in general if you didn't enjoy it at all.
Arts EntertainmentDec 12, 2018
Why You Should Listen to Country Music
This post is about how more people should give country music a chance and why it's better than all the stereotypes against it.