It never fails to always help guide you in some way, shape or form.
Sometimes it's the only thing that can express exactly what you're feeling. Sometimes your own words just aren't enough and it's actually the words of others that helps get you through.
For when you're sad or when you're elated. When you're found and when you're lost. When you're jogging on a treadmill or walking down a busy sidewalk.
When you lose and when you win. There's literally a song for every single feeling and just about every situation. You broke a heart, you got your heart broken. You're mad at your friend, you're happy with your lover.
Some people turn to praise or drugs. When words just don't do justice to any emotion I experience, I turn to music.
Especially when the day gets stressful. The only thing, by far and away, that helps me focus on the task at hand, the thing that helps me reel it all in is music.
"Dark Side of the Moon" by Pink Floyd is one album I can listen to on repeat for hours. And vinyl is by far the best way to experience music, so, needless to say, that particular record has been played many, many times.
And sometimes we just need to stop and listen to the music. And I think in the times I stop and listen, I'm better attuned to how I actually feel. And then there isn't anything I can't get through. Because I can stop and focus on the task at hand and get through the noise. I make it to the other side and, once that's done, the hard part is over.
Put on that jam that just resonates all the feelings you seek to express. Play it loud, put it on repeat and listen to it 86 times if that's what you need.
Just stop. And listen. And whether you're feeling pumped or feeling down, let the music help guide you to a place of being centered.