VIEWS with David Dobrik and Jason Nash | The Odyssey Online
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9 Podcasts You Should Be Listening To

Don't knock it, till' you listen!

9 Podcasts You Should Be Listening To

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Imagine: you run out of music and are tired of listening to the same songs over and over again. ENTER the podcasts app! Personally, I cycle through moods of wanting to listen to music at the top volume in my car, and just wanting to hear something entertaining. So when I discovered that podcasts weren't just a form of "old person talk show", I began listening non-stop. Whether in the car, on a run, or walking to class; I found the wide range of options so exiting and felt I was becoming more educated on a variety of topics that interested me. I love podcasts for their ability to keep me entertained AND updated on the world while I'm going about my busy life. Here are some of the podcasts that have changed my life, and that I haven't stopped listening to since I discovered them.

Chicks in the Office

To me, staying up to date with whats going on in terms of pop culture is essential to being able to make conversation, and even just understand others conversations around you and online. Not only this, but I will proudly say that I find celebrities and breaking tabloid news very interesting. This Barstool podcast will keep you updated on the latest in pop culture, including; celebrities, new music, reality tv, and any and all drama that is worth knowing about. So what, it is considered "basic" to keep up with these things? To be well informed, you need to know a range of different topics, including what some would call "junk news". One mans trash is another mans treasure!

My Favorite Murder

I recently discovered this humorous podcast where in each episode, two hilarious comedians discuss various murders and mystery tales of our past and the criminals behind them. Being that it is both light hearted and spine chilling at the same time, it's the perfect podcast to keep you entertained for long hours on the plane or even just casual car rides. Just try not to listen to it right before bed or you might find yourself falling asleep with the lights on.

Coffee Break Italian

I began listening to this podcast as a way to prepare for my study abroad semester in Italy. I wanted to be able to educate myself on the language while I was doing other tasks, so it wasn't as time consuming as taking a class. I didn't have much expectations for it, but to my surprise I felt like the hosts did a very good job of giving the information in a way that was personable and retainable. Of course you don't have to listen to this exact one, but Coffee Break has many language podcasts that i'm sure are just as useful.

Podcast But Outside

This is a lighthearted and witty podcast that is also hosted by two comedians who decided to bring a (literally) refreshing aspect to their show and take it outside. As you can tell by the title, these two are quite matter-of-fact, making their interactions with any random person who happens upon their sidewalk podcast very entertaining. It's the lemonade stand of podcasts, you never know who will decide to stop and participate. They even move locations almost every episode, adding to the shock factor of who will sit down and how the show will unfold.

Food Psych Podcast with Christy Harrison

This podcast may not be for everyone, but as I am quite interested in how our society views food and has created such a complex diet culture, this show keeps me listening. The host often speaks with guests about their experience with food growing up and in different points of their life, and how that has shaped their mindset or everyday struggles. It is intriguing to me how such a simple human need has been twisted into a symbol of something different for each person.

The Tiny Meat Gang Podcast

This podcast holds a special place in my heart as the hosts are Cody Ko and Noel Miller, two of the many Vine turned Youtube sensations who have successfully established a place in comedy. There truly is no way to explain this podcast as the two banter back and forth with skits about their hilarious inside jokes turned public and many other prevalent topics.

Stupid Genius with Emma Chamberlain

This podcast was created by another Youtube star who broke through the beauty guru algorithm with her raw humor and seemingly carefree videos. Her comedy transfers from online videos into this podcast where she tries to guess absurd reasons for common anomalies such as why dogs lick humans, or why we hiccup. It sounds a little... different, but I would expect nothing less from Emma.

Schnitt Talk

If you're in the mood to complain to one of your girlfriends about how annoying guys can be, or you just went through a breakup, or you are trying to navigate men in general, this is the podcast for you. Twitter sensation Ellie Schnitt and her producer Alanna Vizzoni talk all things dating on this Barstool podcast. Their stories and perspectives on these subjects are funny, amusing, and will make you feel like you just had a classic best friend therapy session!

VIEWS with David Dobrik and Jason Nash

This is yet another of the many podcasts hosted by Youtubers. Twenty-two year old David Dobrik found forty year old Jason Nash in a comedy club, offering for him to be a part of his high production vlogs. This led to the two's hysterical "frenemy" dynamic as shown on their podcast together.

If you give any of these podcasts a chance, I don't think you'll be disappointed. They will make you laugh, cry, and jump out of your skin when someone sneaks up on you in the middle of listening to a murder case story. And I can't tell you how many times things I've heard in one of the above shows comes up in a conversation and I am able to add to the topic. They might even lead you to find other shows you grow to love!

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