A list of thank you, to my beautiful roommates.
Thank you for rinsing my dirty dishes whenever I forget
And not getting mad at me, too.
Thank you for listening to my practice presentation
You really didn't have to, but you sat through my mediocre presentation of Microsoft applications anyways. You even clapped at the end.
Thank you for making me chamomile tea when I’m stressed
Knowing a hug probably wouldn't be enough.
Thank you for letting me talk to you when you’re in the shower
No matter how minuscule my angsty problems may be, you're always there to listen.
Thank you for not being mad when I borrowed your socks without asking
Especially when you found out via this article.
Thank you for doing my laundry
And making sure I never sleep in dirty sheets and always have clean underwear.
Thank you for participating in random dance parties
You have songs for every mood.
Thank you for holding my hand when I’m sad
...and plotting with me when I'm angry
Thank you for going to Sephora with me
And not questioning how much money I throw down (at least not out loud).
Thank you for sitting in my room for hours
Talking about boys who never text back and memes that make us laugh-cry and presidential elections that are stressful and professors that don't know how to teach and every little thing in between.
Thank you for watching Nick Jonas music videos on repeat
Maybe Nick will never love me, but you guys always will.
Thank you for reminding me how awesome I am
But never being fake about it.
Thank you for always being my favorite dinner date
Phad Thai would lose its luster if I didn't have you all to share it with.
Thank you for being yourself one hundred percent of the time
Even when you're cynical. Even when you're bitter. Even when you're sad. Even when you're stressed. Even when you're grumpy.
Thank you for being my family away from home
I never thought I would be so lucky.
Thank you for everything that you’ve done for me
I've lost count of all the times you've been there.
Thank you for being you
'Nuff said.
For Maya, Josie and Paige (and our furry baby Pikachu)
(Sorry, you had to be there)