This past week has been LGBTQ+ Pride Week in Charleston and engaging in all the positive, excited and rainbow themed celebrations has got me thinking about the many different misconceptions and misinterpretations about sexuality.
So here I've compiled a list of different sexualities with simple descriptions, in the hopes that we all can begin to accept and understand each other even more! While I am part of the LGBTQ+ community, I am in no way, shape, or form an expert on this topic (also, if I included something incorrect, please let me know and I will change it!) and this is in no way, shape or form an exhaustive list!
1. Androsexual
This term is used if you have a sexual attraction to masculinity, whether it be specifically to males or those who exhibit masculine traits. Either situation, this is a valid part of sexuality.
2. Asexual
You do not experience any sexual attraction towards others, but that does not necessarily mean you don't experience romantic attraction (which is known as aromantic). Both instances are valid.
3. Bisexual
You experience sexual attraction towards two or more genders, most often characterized (but not limited to) by male and female. You do not need to be attracted to them equally either. And no, this is not just a "stage" to becoming gay. It's a valid sexuality and should be treated as such.
4. Demisexual
Sexual attraction is only experienced after a strong bond between you and the other person has been formed, and it is a valid sexuality, not just a stage for "getting out of the friend zone."
5. Gynosexual
As the opposite of androsexual, if you identify with this sexuality that means you are sexually attracted to the expression of femininity. However, it is similar to androsexual in the fact that it is extremely valid.
6. Heterosexual
You are sexually attracted to a gender that is not your own and is often used to describe those who are attracted to the different binary gender than their own. If you are heterosexual and human, you are valid.
7. Homosexual
A sexual attraction to the gender the same as oneself, and is often used to describe those who are attracted to the binary gender they assume themselves. And whether you can it homosexual, gay, or lesbian, it is valid.
8. Pansexual
You are pansexual if you can be sexually attracted to all genders, with some phrasing it like "gender is no factor in who I am attracted to." This is a valid sexuality and is not the same as bisexual or polysexual.
9. Polysexual
You are sexuality attracted to multiple genders, but not all of them. Which is completely ok and is very valid.
10. Skoliosexual
If you find yourself primarily attracted to those who identify as genderqueer, transgender, transsexual, and/or non-binary, then you would be a part of the extremely valid community of sociosexual.
And the list can continue, each sexuality as valid as the next. I apologize if I got anything wrong, and I hope this list was helpful to you! If you just keep on loving who you love and trying your best to understand your neighbor, then the world will become a better place because of it.