A massive debate is currently swarming over the effectiveness of antidepressants. As someone who combats depression on the daily, I happen to stand with those who support the use of antidepressants, believing that they are in fact capable of alleviating the symptoms of depression. I am fortunate enough to be able to say that that my antidepressants work for me, and have worked for me for since I started taking them about a year ago. Now, that being said, I am not writing this as an argument against those who oppose antidepressants, because they are entitled to their beliefs. I am simply going to list five reasons why you should take your antidepressants if you have a diagnosable disorder that can be treated with them. Hopefully, in the process, I can debunk some common stereotypes and perhaps even assuage some fears about taking antidepressant medication.
Please keep in mind that these reasons are not listed in any significant order. Each one is equally important and should be carefully considered.
1. You won’t know what works for you unless you try
Now, do me a favor with this one. When you’re thinking of trying antidepressants, avoid the internet. When it comes to mental health in general, avoid the internet. Talk to a doctor about different medications so you’re aware of the different side effects and can make and educated decision. Please don’t be discouraged by what you hear about the side effects of antidepressants. They work differently for everyone, and it might take a few tries to find the one that works for you, but you’ll never know which one is right for you until you give it a try.
2. You do not become dependent on them
This is a common assumption about antidepressants that actually makes me angry because it frequently prevents people from getting the treatment they need. Antidepressants are not addictive in any way. You do not become dependent on them. It just doesn’t work like that. You might have to increase dosage over time as your body adapts to the medication, but antidepressants are not addictive. They simply treat the effects of depression so the symptoms are not as potent as they are without medication. That’s it.
3. Natural remedies don’t cure depression
Antidepressants don’t cure depression either. But so many people I know say that I should try fish oil and hiking and chewing random roots and other natural remedies for depression. Hiking and fish oil are healthy and you should try them, and if they make you feel better that’s great, but I seriously recommend that you try antidepressants if natural remedies don’t work for you. They can’t hurt you, regardless of what you hear.4. You have nothing to lose
Even if a certain medication doesn’t work for you, keep trying. You have nothing to lose and quite a few things to gain if you can find an antidepressant that works for you. Taking antidepressants doesn’t change who you are as a person. It doesn’t mean you’re insane. It doesn’t label you or put you on some list of people who are unstable and need medication. If you need them, take them. Don’t let anyone discourage you. You deserve a chance to do what’s best for you.
5. You might actually feel better
The point of antidepressants is to treat the symptoms of depression. If they work, they make it easier to deal with depression and to carry on with your day-to-day life. Why not take the chance to feel better?
Feel free to disagree with me. As long as you do what’s best for you. That’s all that matters.