Who doesn't love a good binge-watching on Netflix? Next time you are in need of a new show to watch, take a look at this list:
If you're looking for comedy:
Comedy shows are always necessary to keep on your list; especially in between the intense dramas you're watching. Sometimes you just need something to relax to and laugh about.
1. How I Met Your Mother: I'm currently on the seventh season. It's golden.
2. Parks and Recreation: it's literally the funniest show i've ever seen.
3. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: Parks and Rec and It's Always Sunny are in a tie for my number one favorite comedy.
4. The Office: If you haven't already seen this one, then you better get started ASAP.
5. The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt*: I loved this show. The main character is from The Office, which made me initially watch it. I'm currently waiting for the third season to come out!
6. New Girl: The main character, Jess, is so relatable.
7. Chuck: A regular, nerdy guy gets wrapped up into the world of the CIA on accident. It's super funny.
If you're looking for Drama:
Need an interesting and intense show that will keep you occupied for hours and hours? Every show on this list did the job for me.
1. Nikita: If you're into the whole spy/secret assassin scenario, then this show is for you. Super intense and super interesting.
2. Sense 8*: This show is very original and unique. It's one of my favorites. There's only one season so far, and i'm extremely excited for the second one.
3. Gossip Girl: Of course I had to put this one. I stayed up a full 48 hours one time because I couldn't stop watching.
4. Buffy The Vampire Slayer: One of my favorite shows. It's a bit older than the rest on the list. Such an intense and emotional show. Watch it, and you will not regret it.
5. Once Upon A Time: I love this show so much. It makes me a bit nostalgic because of the whole fairy tale concept, but it's very comforting. It's brings a modern day twist to the classic fairy tales.
6. Black Mirror: If you're into the very creative and a bit weird shows (like me), here's one for you. It has a dystopian futuristic feel to it.
7. Game of Thrones: I know I've said a lot of shows are my favorite, but this is my all time favorite.Yes, I'm an obsessed GoT's fan.
8. Shameless: This
show comes on showtime, and a few of the seasons were just recently
put on Netflix. This was my most recent drama binge-watch.
If you're looking for superheroes:
This is pretty much my favorite theme of any tv show. I love Marvel and DC Comics.
1. Daredevil* (Marvel): My favorite of the superheroes. Matt Murdock is the bomb.
2. Jessica Jones* (Marvel): I like this one because I feel it's different than the others. She's a lot more down to earth and human(ish), I would say, and she's a private investigator, so it's very interesting.
3. Agents of Shield (Marvel): Another favorite. It combines so many different Marvel characters into the show. They mention Captain America, and Tony Stark a lot, which is so cool to me. Also, Thor characters are in a few episodes as the central element to the plot.
4. Arrow (DC): I've been watching this one for a long time. I like it because, unlike most of the superheroes, Oliver (the main character) doesn't have a superpower. He's just really good at shooting a bow and arrow and fighting. It's just something new amongst the rest.
5. Flash (DC): I love the main character. He's great. Mark this as a priority.
6. Supergirl (DC): I just watched this one not too long ago. It was a hit on my list.
I could go on forever and ever, and there's plenty of shows I love that I didn't put on here, but you have plenty to choose from. I'm sure i'll be making one of these again. Anyways, get started!
*Netflix original