Positivity is so important in life. A lot of times we always go to quotes for empowerment but I have realized that just one word can be just as powerful. Here is a list of inspiring words.
1. WorthyÂ
Realizing your self-worth is important. Self-worth can really make or break a person's personality. Always know that you are worthy of respect. And also, never compare yourself to others.
2. CourageÂ
Be courageous in life. Life has so many opportunities so do not be scared to grasp any opportunity that comes your way. You have the ability to do anything you have your heart and mind set to do, even the things that frighten you.
3. EnoughÂ
When you are feeling down and feeling that nothing you do is ever good enough, know that you are more than enough. And yes there is always room for improvement but when it comes to my self-worth I always have to remind myself that I am enough.
4. BlessedÂ
Be thankful. A lot of times we forget how blessed we are. We focus so much on stress and the bad things that are going on in our lives that we tend to forget all of the beautiful things we have in life.
5. FocusÂ
Focus on your goals, focus on positive things, and focus on the ones you love. Do not focus on things that will keep you from not reaching your goals and people that do not have good intentions for your life.
6. LaughÂ
Laughing is one of the best forms of medicine. Life is truly better with laughter.
7. WarriorÂ
Through the good and the bad you are a warrior. Be strong, soldier.
8. SeekÂ
Seek new things. Allow yourself to grow in life. Do not just be stuck.
9. FaithÂ
During the bad times, no matter the circumstances, have faith that everything will be all right.
10. LiveÂ
Start living because life is honestly way too short. Live life the way you want to live. Do not let anyone try to control you.
11. EnjoyÂ
Enjoy everything that life has to offer. Enjoy even the littlest of things because, as I said before, life is short. And plus, there is no time to live life with regrets.
12. BelieveÂ
Believe in yourself and never stop. Believing in yourself brings so many blessings and opportunities in your life.
13. SerendipityÂ
A lot of times we look for things to fill an empty void that we have. Usually what we are looking for comes when we are not looking at all. Your serendipity will come.
14. CreateÂ
Share your ideas with the world. Creativity brings change to your life. However you chose to use your creativity do not be scared to show your intelligence, talent, and passion.
15. LoveÂ
The world is already full of so much hate, so love unconditionally with all your heart.