Working out is a roller coaster of emotions, feelings, and endorphin release, and Spongebob is the only character who can accurately sum up the entire experience.
Waking up earlier than college students normally should.
Being late for your workout.
Getting dressed without waking up your roommate...
Deciding on deodorant type.
Walking to the gym with your "Workout Jams" playlist.
Walking into the gym like...
Getting onto the treadmill.
Hitting a running rhythm.
Actually running and your mind wandering.
Watching the "hardcore" guys in the gym skip leg day.
And then stare at themselves in the mirror and act too cool for everyone but their workout partner.
Getting done with cardio and feeling that strange lightness in your legs.
Seeing yourself in the mirror.
Pre-workout kicking in and transforming into the Hulk for weights.
Endorphin release.
Kicking butt in your workout.
Adding weight.
Surviving your workout.
Everyone who comes near you before you can shower.
The post-workout cravings.