As a recent high school graduate and after collaborating with others we united in recognizing the multiple types of bribing in school and their affects. For confidential reasons I switched the names in this article.
First, I would like to start with a probably very common situation among students all across the world. "The grade bump" this basically can be summarized as the situation that a student doesn't perform their best through the grading period. As a result they go pleading to their teacher that they will literally do anything possible to increase their grade in the course. Such examples are going to purchase them food, bringing them class supplies, or elaborate gifts. However, when I refer to the grade bump I'm not speaking of a point that gets you to the next grade but when you have a F in the course and you suddenly realize that doesn't look good and you need a B.
Next, I'm going to describe the issue with attendance bribery that occurs with students. Many schools have very strict polices regrading their students attendance. My high school for instance did but many school personnel and students ignored these protocols. Students and also even parents went out of their ways to purchase excessive gifts for the individuals in charge of our schools excuses early passes in order to guarantee their smooth departures from class and school. I know from personal experience that sometimes it can be very frustrating and difficult if your parents work as much as my own to have them take the time out of their day to come and sign you out of school so you can just go in the opposite direction to the student parking lot and drive yourself to your next location. However, I don't feel that if you decided to purchase gifts for the schools personnel should be the factor that determines that your parents don't have to physically come and sign you out of school. In addition, at my schools there's a cap on how many students a parent can sign out at a time but those privilege parents who purchased the same staff gifts are excluded from those implemented rules.
It's strange to think that rules wouldn't be in place or implemented if there weren't background reasons of why they should be. Either for safety, ethical, or equality amount all individuals are just some starting examples. Although, I only listed three examples of types of bribery I've been exposed to there are many alternative ways bribery is used in a high school setting on the daily bases however I felt that these are probably the most common forms. People think that bribery is the answer to so many of their issues but in all honestly it doesn't always work because sometimes the after affect isn't worth the expense or time you put into the effort used to bribed the other individuals. Also, it's quite unfair to gain an advantage over other individuals just like yourself because you had the extra time or money to go and offer a bribe intentional or unintentional to another individual.